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April 4, 2024

The Unseen Grind Behind Real Achievement and Connection

The Unseen Grind Behind Real Achievement and Connection

Ever found yourself trapped in self-comparison, or perhaps struggling to break free from the chains of self-doubt?

In this episode, I am going to tackle this topic head-on, sharing personal insights and hard-earned wisdom on navigating the path to genuine self-promotion.

Listen in as we dissect the deceptive allure of the 'overnight success' and why embracing the grind behind each milestone is crucial. The real magic happens when we strip away the pretenses and connect authentically with our audience. Let's celebrate the starting lines and the small wins as much as we do the finish lines and standing ovations.

Guided by the work I've done in many instance, but certainly including Cliff Ravenscraft and the Prosperous Coach method to creating clients, this episode I'll also share a few thoughts on the transformational power of mastermind groups and the unexpected impact of simple acts of kindness in business and personal growth.

Discover Cliff's seasoned advice on how to truly stand out, and consider this your invitation to join a community where the pursuit of continuous improvement isn't just a goal, it's a lifestyle.

We're not just chasing numbers here; it's about reaching out and resonating with even one soul at a time. So, if you're ready to journey with a group that values progress and authenticity, let's connect and take the first step together.

Podcasting Morning Chat with Marc Ronick


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Thank you for listening!

I'd love to invite you to share any feedback or insights with me dan@danw.us

To your success!



00:03 - Navigating Comparison and Self-Discovery

11:58 - Mastermind and Authentic Connection

22:51 - Mastermind Potential Discussion and Invitation


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0>03 Welcome to Narrowing the Divide. I'm Dan Warheide, your host, and my goal is to connect with and inspire others. If you want to improve yourself, your lifestyle, your business and your income, then you've come to the right place. If you enjoy this podcast, the best way you can help me is by sharing this podcast with someone in your life. You can also feel free to send me questions, topics or ideas you have, or sign up to receive updates by visiting our page at podcastdanwus. Welcome back to another episode. I'm glad you're here. So I told you I wanted to create some additional episodes, put out some additional content, and I have gathered some questions that I hope to be answering in additional episodes in the future. But today I was inspired by something a little bit different.

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1>00 It is Thursday, April 4th, and this morning I have been participating for the last few weeks in a podcasting morning chat. We meet live at 7 am Eastern Time on Clubhouse every Monday through Friday, and I don't make it every day, but there's a lot of great conversations that happen around podcasting. The world of podcasting technology, ai, you name it this morning was slightly different, and we record those. Well, we I shouldn't say we, I'm just a participant Occasionally I do try to get on and listen to the chats at the very least. So they have a great team of people who are publishing this content every day in the form of a podcast. So you can look up Podcasting Morning Chat if you'd like to go through and take a look at some of those conversations. Mark and the gang are doing a great job facilitating discussions around different topics that relate to podcasting. Today's was related to podcasting, but it had a slightly different view, at least towards the end of the chat. So there was someone who shared that they have a podcast they believe would do well, but they were struggling with publishing content related to that podcast in social media, doing the marketing work associated with getting that podcast out to the rest of the world. They did believe in the podcast, they did believe in the fact that it had great potential, but they were standing in their own way of marketing that podcast, and so the discussion quickly shifted from marketing to why we do things like that.

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2>58 Why do we stop ourselves from sharing what could be some of our best work? And I think the thoughts I want to share, I think I think the thoughts interesting, I think the thoughts that I really want to share around that. This will be a brief episode, but the thoughts I want to share around that are that too often we get caught up in that comparison trap. Right, we look at what other people are doing, but we fail to remember that they want us to see the highlights, and so sometimes we'll stop ourselves from publishing something because it's not just the way we think it should be for others to interpret it as a highlight.

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3>41 You know, people talk all the time about creating the viral moments, the viral videos, the viral images, the viral posts, and while there is some science and psychology behind how to put something together that may make it go viral and I say may, with a very big question mark on the end, because even the people whom I've studied, who are working very hard to create viral content, still just get lucky when their content goes viral. It wasn't the moments that they expected, it wasn't the content or the video that they expected, it was something that they did off the cuff. In fact, that was another piece of chat that came up earlier this week in the podcasting morning chat, funny enough. So you know, we get caught up in the highlight reels that we see, and sometimes we hold ourselves back because we're caught in that comparison piece. The other side of that, though, is that maybe we don't feel like we're successful enough, we have enough experience, or maybe we question the value of what we are sharing because we don't have some of those other pieces yet. We haven't achieved the goal or the thing that we want to achieve. That would help us, in our minds, stand out as the expert or the go-to person, help us, in our minds, stand out as the expert or the go-to person, but we forget that every one of those experts and go-to persons had to start somewhere.

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5>11 There's a journey that is in there, and one of the guests today and it may have been Mark I apologize if you're listening and you're the person who shared I don't remember exactly who shared the information, but they did say it very well that, oftentimes, if you dig deep, you will see that they have left a trail of breadcrumbs, and you can see parts, bits and pieces of the journey that they've experienced to get to that place that they are sharing today. We look at their success. It's very easy to think, man, how do we get there, what do we have to do to be like that, and we forget that they, too, went through their own journey. The biggest difference is that they have discovered along their journey who it is that they are, and that has allowed them to start sharing in a way that connects with more and more people. The things that they're doing, the information and content that they're sharing is connecting with people because it's authentic in most cases. Now, there's plenty of examples of inauthenticity hanging out, especially in the social media world A lot of people faking it under the guise of faking it until you make it, and I don't believe in faking it until you make it, and I don't believe in faking it until you make it. I believe in remaining as authentic and true to myself as I can be and in sharing that process and that journey with others that may inspire them or someone in my life to take action on something they've been holding back on.

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6>45 I'm not the most profound podcaster by any means. I'm always looking for input. I'm always looking for your feedback on suggestions to improve or even suggestions for topics that you might like to hear me talking about, and I work hard to share some of the experiences that I bring to the table with people so that you can have a good understanding of who I am, where I'm at in my journey and where it is that I'm trying to go. I have mentioned already, in the next six to 12 months I am working on shifting from the things that I have been doing into full-time coaching as a profession, and that journey is a different journey all by itself and I've been sharing bits and pieces of that, for instance, my approach to creating clients. It's not my own approach. I've adapted it to my style and the way that I carry out my invitations to coaching. I don't market I mean podcasting you can consider that marketing, I guess but I actually really enjoy the process of learning to create these podcasts and the process of thinking through content that I want to share with people and how I'm answering questions.

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8>06 This is fun for me and I started out. If you go back, I think by the time this gets published, there'll be 74, 75 episodes. If you go back to anything before episode 70, you'll hear the journey, the other pieces, the different things I was trying and doing through that period of time. You know I took about two years away from the podcast and from many of the other things I was doing and sort of had a reset, and these are my next steps. That two years allowed me to get clear on how I can put all the different pieces together, but remain true to who I am and and even the discovery piece of who I am in the process.

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8>50 You may hear some of that come out in my conversations with some of my guests, especially because I like to tell people that you know, I retired from the military. I transitioned from the army in 2018. And here we are, six years later. I still find myself transitioning in many ways, you know, a rediscovery of who I am, who I was before the military, the things that light me up, because the military to be transparent, is very good about molding, shaping and creating soldiers, airmen, sailors, marines to what they need to be for the missions that we had to carry out, have to carry out, and so there's I'm not discrediting that in any way. There is a reason, there is a purpose and it is an important for the protection of our freedoms in the United States. I believe in that wholeheartedly, but the hardest thing to do is to go back outside in the rest of the world and rediscover who it is that you are and where it is that you want to go, without their mission, without their purpose, as your mission and your purpose and your identity, we get easily. They create a space where it becomes your identity when you're in that space. So I digress.

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10>13 I started off talking about the comparison traps. I got a little bit off on a tangent and what stands out to me when I talk about the journey is I remember early on 2016, 2017, somewhere in there, I started listening to Gary Vaynerchuk and I love his content. I love the messages that he shares, and maybe I don't agree with everything he says and nobody has to agree with everything he says or even how he delivers it and I think that rubs me sometimes is the delivery in some of his messaging but I love the authenticity and the transparency of the messages he's sharing. He shared something a while back again 2016, 2017 timeframe that said you know, if you want to be successful, document and share the journey, because nobody's doing that. They're only showing you the highlight reels, the things they want you to see. They're only showing you the highlight reels, the things they want you to see. So, if you want to stand out as authentic, as true to the thing that you're doing and what it is that you're doing, share the journey with people, document it, share it. Not enough people are documenting it.

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11>23 And talking about the messy middle, if you will, I've got a conversation coming up. We just recorded an episode, yesterday, as a matter of fact, with a great friend of mine, anita Anello, and we talked about that messy middle piece and that's sort of her branding, so I'll leave that teaser in there for you. That should be coming out in the next few weeks. There's a couple episodes still in the queue that I hope you'll enjoy, but here's some things I want to share with you, and then I'll wrap up for today. I don't want this to go on too long.

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11>58 Cliff Ravenscraft is an outstanding coach. He's also practicing the Prosperous Coach method to creating clients, and I am fortunate to be able to work with him in a couple ways to learn from his experience, because he's been doing it quite a while, longer than I have. He's helped me to get some clarity around my approach to the Prosperous Coach and how to implement it in the work that I'm doing, and just to create those authentic and real connections with people that may or may not lead to anything, and so I give him lots of credit. Now Cliff has a ton of other experiences and he's got a next level coaching program. If you're working with Cliff, I believe that he'll invite you to participate in that program. It's a group coaching program and I'm preparing to do a testimonial.

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12>57 A couple of the things that I want to share I'll share here, in that that program is like a mastermind opportunity, where you're in community with other people who are working toward similar goals. In this particular case, the difference being is that it's not really a hot seat opportunity, but you can benefit tremendously from the questions that others are asking. For so many ways you can benefit from that. You can benefit from hearing the questions that they're asking, recognizing in yourself that you have similar questions, you have similar paths, you're facing similar challenges. So I'm really enjoying that experience and working with Cliff as well. But he said something in our group session yesterday. He said do something and or be someone worth talking about. If you want to create something, if you want to build your business, if you want to grow your podcast, whatever it is, your thing is do something and or be someone worth talking about. Now I have shared here before.

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14>02 I continue to work very hard to live by this mantra. If you will, it's my mantra that I've created, and my mission, my purpose. Part of that is to the goal each day is to look for opportunities, find opportunities to inspire at least one other person in my life today, and maybe that's simple as sharing a smile with the cashier at the grocery store or at the gas station. Sharing a smile with the cashier at the grocery store or at the gas station Maybe it's just asking someone how their day's going that I haven't talked to in a while. There are so many ways that you can share kindness, and kindness is inspirational, so if you can share kindness with someone, I believe that you can inspire that person in some way. Maybe it's just a smile, and, again, that's perfect. I don't always achieve my goal, but as long as I'm working towards achieving it every day, I feel good about what I'm doing.

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15>02 Again, gotten off track, so I want you to know if you're doing your thing, if you're sharing it, if you're being authentic and true to you, you're going to run into opposition. People will oppose you. Sometimes they're haters. I think, though, that really, deep down, there's two very good reasons for this but come in and put random comments on your posts, or make nasty comments on your YouTube video or discredit you somehow or some way. I think maybe there are people that just thrive in doing that, and that's an exception, I think. Even then, though, many of those trolls would be trolls. These two things I'm going to share with you may even apply to them.

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15>56 Number one they simply don't understand what you're doing Now. This is especially true when it comes to family and friends. The conversation in the podcast morning chat this morning centered around, didn't center around, but included talk about you know, sharing your work and not having the support you would think you might get from your closest family members and your closest friends, but it's because they don't truly understand the journey that you're on. Even more important reason to share the pieces and parts of that journey to help people understand where you're going, what it is that you're doing. They, secretly, they may or may not engage with you. They may discourage you. They may make comments that are discouraging to you. They may say things that lead you to believe they are a hater, if you will and I'm using air quotes as if you can see me on an audio podcast, anyway. So they secretly want to see you succeed, right? Anyway? So they secretly want to see you succeed right, because deep down, they want to know that it's possible for them too, and they have to wait to see what happens in your journey.

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17>11 And the good news is that if you're sharing the journey with them, they can see all the steps that are required, and maybe that helps someone achieve something that they want to achieve, and maybe it's slightly different from your thing, but it gives them insights into you know what? I don't have to be perfect before I can make that change. I don't have to be perfect before I can publish that thought that I wanted to share but held back from because I wondered what people might think of me. I don't have to compare myself to others. I don't have to compare the work that I want to do or share with others. I can, too, be successful. To me, right, because each of us decides and defines success in our own ways.

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18>00 So I hope that there's something in this message that reaches you or helps you reframe something you've been thinking about. Maybe it helps you to publish the thing that you want to publish but you've held back on, whether it's a podcast or just the ability to share your journal thoughts, maybe each day or sometime during the week. I know I've done it, I'm guilty of it, I've had thoughts that I wanted to share and then I'm like I'm just going to hold that one to myself and we're all a work in progress, right? So I encourage you to share the journey, share your thing, be authentic, be true to who you are, stop worrying and then I know that's an easy thing to say but stop worrying about what other people are doing or how they're making it look, because it could just be an appearance, right? The final thought on that is, if you pull back the curtain, you may see all kinds of ugliness that they just don't share with the world. It's not always perfect, it's not always where they want it to be, it's not always where we want to be. So, again, I hope that's helpful.

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19>12 Now I do want to share really quickly that I have decided I am launching my own mastermind. I love the idea of the mastermind. I have been in some really great masterminds with the likes of some really wonderful people. Ray Edwards hosts the million dollar mastermind for copywriters and I was a part of that for quite a while. I loved the community, made some great friends In fact I'm still in community with many of them and it's just a great experience. So I am looking for people who want to be part of a growing mastermind, if you're interested in that.

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19>56 I haven't even written a sales page, but here's a couple of the tidbits. I haven't even written a sales page, but here's a couple of the tidbits and I'd just love to invite you to email me at dan at danwus, if you have an interest in a mastermind and you maybe you're looking for a mastermind to join or to be part of at the ground roots level, ground level, ground roots, root level doesn't matter. I'm starting a mastermind. If you're interested, here's a couple of the requirements. One, it will be a full 12 month commitment. Two, it will be paid. You will be required to invest not just monetarily but your time. There are very few exceptions. As to why you would not show up to a mastermind weekly, once a week, I haven't decided on a time yet. So there's your opportunity.

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20>50 If you're the first one to reach out and consider joining my mastermind, I want to have a conversation with you. So I'll tell you a bit more about what that looks like, and I'm still shaping a few things. But it's a 12-month commitment. It is paid. There is a requirement that you show up as a priority because here's what needs to happen for any of the members should be about each and every member in that group being 100% dedicated to not just their own success, but 100% dedicated to the success, the growth and contributing to the journey of each and every other member of that mastermind. There will be a limit of 10 seats in this first mastermind and I want to so the benefit of the mastermind right.

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21>48 Here's something else that working with my coach has helped me to see that you know, I am not the primary resource in a mastermind. I, too, benefit the same as each and every other member in the group. I just happen to be the facilitator. I do happen to have some experiences in that online entrepreneurship, in the podcasting world, in several of those marketing components and other worldly experiences that can contribute to members of the group, but it's not my sole responsibility. It becomes the responsibility of each and every one of us in community with each other. So there's tremendous value that I have experienced, I've witnessed, I've seen and I want to be able to not just participate in but be part of a growing group of entrepreneurs and coaches and podcasters that find value in that same experience.

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22>51 So, if that's, you feel free to reach out, dan, at danwus. We'll schedule a conversation and we'll talk about some of the other pieces, some of the some of what that looks like, and we'll find out if you're a great fit for the mastermind or not a great fit for the mastermind, and we'll go from there. Anyway, I think those are the thoughts I had to share. There's a lot of thinking and thoughts going on today.

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23>17 I hope that there was something in this message that resonated with you and if you enjoyed it, please don't forget to hit that subscribe button and, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love it if you just share this with someone else in your world. As always, you know, I'm working on improving, I'm working on sharing more relevant content and delivery and all of the pieces as part of my journey, and I'm working on growing the podcast. I don't have, you know, a goal of, you know, thousands of downloads per day or week or month. I've just my goal is to hopefully create something that is inspiring to at least one other person in my life. So until next time, have a great one.

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