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April 23, 2024

Empowering Women of Faith in Entrepreneurship: Balancing Prosperity and Spirituality with Anita Anello

Empowering Women of Faith in Entrepreneurship: Balancing Prosperity and Spirituality with Anita Anello

Embarking on the entrepreneurial voyage from the corporate world is both exhilarating and daunting, but Anita Anello's expertise lights the way for women of faith making that leap. Join us as Anita and I explore the transformational strategies that enable professionals to excel in their newfound ventures while fostering a life of balance and prosperity. 

Dive deep into the heart of the relationship between faith and finance, where wealth is not a hindrance but a powerful tool for amplifying God's work. We unravel the scriptural backing for economic flourishing and how we, as believers, can responsibly steward our resources to not only serve but also empower our communities. 

The journey toward entrepreneurship is fraught with distractions, yet our episode provides a compass to navigate this territory. We tackle the mental shift essential for embarking on this path, offering a blueprint for resetting one's focus, prioritizing passions, and seeking the wisdom of mentors. With every anecdote and piece of advice, Anita and I aim to guide you towards a more purposeful career—one that aligns with both your professional goals and spiritual convictions.

Thank you for listening!

I'd love to invite you to share any feedback or insights with me dan@danw.us

To your success!



00:00 - Navigating Entrepreneurial Growth and Transition

15:42 - Navigating Money and Ministry as Believers

27:01 - Navigating Distractions & Staying on Track

37:35 - Transitioning to Entrepreneurship

47:28 - Finding Your Passion and Purpose

01:00:44 - Acknowledgment and Appreciation in Entrepreneurship



00:00:00.441 --> 00:00:03.591
Welcome back to another episode of Narrowing the Divide.

00:00:03.591 --> 00:00:09.603
Today, I have the opportunity to speak with a great friend We've been friends for.

00:00:09.603 --> 00:00:11.631
I'm just going to invite you on right now, anita.

00:00:11.631 --> 00:00:16.652
I'm going to read your bio in a second, but Anita Anello is my guest today.

00:00:16.652 --> 00:00:19.405
Anita, we've been friends for what?

00:00:19.405 --> 00:00:20.428
Three or four years now.

00:00:21.222 --> 00:00:23.449
Yeah, I'm trying to think back as to when we met.

00:00:23.449 --> 00:00:29.652
It was probably maybe like right past pandemic right after that.

00:00:29.960 --> 00:00:35.393
Yeah, and we met originally in Dan Miller's community 48 Days Eagles.

00:00:35.393 --> 00:00:44.932
We both went through certification to be facilitators of the 48 Days to the Work and Life you Love workshops.

00:00:45.414 --> 00:00:45.594

00:00:46.481 --> 00:00:49.389
Did you go through the coaching certification with them as well?

00:00:50.210 --> 00:00:50.731
I did not.

00:00:50.731 --> 00:01:05.826
I had gone through just the facilitator's track and I remember you and I having conversations in those days with another good friend of ours, colleen, and just being able to like break down the process that we walked through just to figure out our next steps.

00:01:05.826 --> 00:01:09.391
Like I know that that was so impactful for us as a small group of people.

00:01:09.391 --> 00:01:17.112
There were maybe, I don't know, like five or six of us, like it's kind of a pretty intimate group of being able to say, hey, we've walked through this material.

00:01:17.112 --> 00:01:18.445
It's been super impactful.

00:01:18.445 --> 00:01:25.174
So then, therefore, we want to come alongside with Dan Miller and his organization and help get that message out to other people.

00:01:25.579 --> 00:01:27.644
Yes, yes, and what a great experience.

00:01:27.644 --> 00:01:32.906
I'm so glad you mentioned breaking down the steps, because I mean that just helps me frame.

00:01:32.906 --> 00:01:43.808
Just to be transparent, anita, and I talked about this before the episode recording and said I was going to frame this call a little bit more than just saying you know what.

00:01:43.808 --> 00:01:47.292
Here, anita, let's talk.

00:01:47.292 --> 00:01:58.322
And I threw it all away because I was trying to break it down too simple and it made sense to just be transparent about what it is that's happening here, and it was a great introduction.

00:01:58.322 --> 00:02:01.891
I want to do you justice and serve you well.

00:02:01.891 --> 00:02:05.165
You know you're a coach, you're a consultant.

00:02:05.165 --> 00:02:11.209
You've come with some great experience coming out of the tech world and moving into.

00:02:11.209 --> 00:02:16.727
That's just one example of the communities that you and I have both been a part of.

00:02:16.727 --> 00:02:32.412
I want to talk a little bit more about some of the other things that we have done that are in alignment, just because it's been great to see you grow and be part of that journey and learning together, as you talked about all this time.

00:02:32.412 --> 00:02:33.074
It's been wonderful.

00:02:33.074 --> 00:02:35.568
So let me pop open your bio here.

00:02:36.259 --> 00:02:48.536
Anita helps corporate women of faith in the tech industry who want to break free of corporate life and develop a consulting business by providing spiritual guidance and support as they transition into a new phase of their career.

00:02:49.397 --> 00:03:10.110
She offers practical advice and resources to help them establish and grow their consulting business, such as tips for building a client base, setting rates and finding a healthy work-life balance as they work towards their goal of working 20 hours a week while making two to three times their previous income, and I don't think that does you justice.

00:03:10.110 --> 00:03:11.432
So I'm just going to start there.

00:03:11.432 --> 00:03:31.611
We just talked about your gifts as well, and that was one of the things that stood out is it's not just helping them define those steps, because what you're doing is much more powerful than that, and I think that's probably the biggest benefit to anyone listening to this episode.

00:03:31.611 --> 00:03:52.158
I just was engaged in a conversation in a podcasting chat this morning that someone said that we should never interview guests who are in the same space as us, and I absolutely disagree, because there may be people listening to me that would never hire me to work with them as their coach.

00:03:52.860 --> 00:03:53.000

00:03:53.700 --> 00:04:07.192
They have experience and expertise that could potentially be your ideal partner in coaching or consulting, and so I'm happy to share these experiences with my audience.

00:04:08.080 --> 00:04:29.653
I think, too, that perspective of if you and I are in the same space, we don't want to talk with one another, that's a mindset of like somehow we're always in competition with one another, and I would, I can say definitely, coming from the corporate space, I had that mentality for a really long time, like everything was a competition, and I'm kind of a competitive person, naturally.

00:04:29.653 --> 00:04:36.261
So you know.

00:04:36.261 --> 00:04:58.584
So there's all that going on, but what I've realized over the last couple of years, since I've had this business, is that you and I can show up in the same way, dan, and we're never going to be competitors, because here's the thing we have different life experiences, we have different perspectives on things, we see things a little bit differently, we experience life differently, we have different relationships and backgrounds and all this kind of stuff.

00:04:58.584 --> 00:05:10.348
We even speak differently, and so what I love about just this world that we're in is there's more than enough room for everybody and we're not actually competitors.

00:05:10.348 --> 00:05:12.021
In my mind, we're actually.

00:05:12.021 --> 00:05:15.069
We compliment one another and we can support each other.

00:05:15.069 --> 00:05:28.072
Because, don't you know, I can show up on a podcast and someone's going to be like that's my girl right there, like she's amazing, her experience, the trials she's walked through the story that she has to tell her life experience.

00:05:28.072 --> 00:05:30.047
She's going to come shoulder to shoulder.

00:05:30.047 --> 00:05:36.810
I like the way she looks, I like the way her voice sounds, and then you hear somebody else and go no, no, no, they're totally not for me.

00:05:36.899 --> 00:05:39.769
Like, I get asked the question all the time how do you pick a coach?

00:05:39.769 --> 00:05:42.103
It's these things that we're talking about.

00:05:42.103 --> 00:05:43.766
Their story resonates with you.

00:05:43.766 --> 00:05:46.269
They have the experience that you're looking for.

00:05:46.269 --> 00:05:48.954
They've gone down the path and they're going to help you.

00:05:48.954 --> 00:05:51.766
They're willing to, like reach a hand back and walk forward.

00:05:51.766 --> 00:05:56.423
You like the way they sound, you like, maybe you like the way they look.

00:05:56.423 --> 00:06:01.367
Maybe you're aware of these things, maybe you're not, maybe you just feel like I don't know something about them.

00:06:01.367 --> 00:06:09.062
Their vibe, just I'm just drawn to that.

00:06:09.062 --> 00:06:17.817
Like those are all those elements that I think are super important when we start having these conversations and then then you start to realize, like a competition, like we're not in competition, there's well, I'm just going to show up and be me and people are going to like that.

00:06:17.817 --> 00:06:19.120
Some people are not going to like that.

00:06:19.120 --> 00:06:20.283
That's amazing.

00:06:20.704 --> 00:06:20.983

00:06:21.043 --> 00:06:24.189
I don't think we're actually designed to work with everybody in the world anyway.

00:06:24.569 --> 00:06:27.875
Absolutely agree, and what a great way to stress that point.

00:06:27.875 --> 00:06:32.322
And there's 8 billion people in this world.

00:06:32.322 --> 00:06:37.774
I can't possibly work with all of them, nor do I ever want to work with all of them.

00:06:38.821 --> 00:07:09.630
You know I'm looking for, you know, a very select few, if I'm being honest, right, ideally and I just was writing and journaling about this this morning, thinking about my goals as I shift back into the work that I'm doing more and more, you know, I really, you know, I took some time off, took some time away and did some rediscovery and, you know, decided on a few points of clarity what I wanted to be doing, moving forward, and it landed me back into the world of coaching.

00:07:09.630 --> 00:07:11.887
So this is my next step.

00:07:11.887 --> 00:07:14.848
You and I talked about that ahead of this call as well.

00:07:14.848 --> 00:07:27.511
But, yeah, that's what I found is I only want to be working with, as one-on-one coaching, five or six people at any given time.

00:07:27.511 --> 00:07:45.766
No more than that, uh, and less than that is great, uh, that that gives me the space to ensure that I'm serving each and every one of them the way that I want to be serving them, which is, you know, 150%, all in, which is, you know 150% all in.

00:07:45.786 --> 00:07:53.896
So let's even like break down a little bit more down like the path that we're all on whether you're in the employment space or in the entrepreneur space.

00:07:53.935 --> 00:07:56.622
Please, I'll just kind of take it right.

00:07:56.622 --> 00:07:57.867
Like in the employment space.

00:07:57.867 --> 00:08:01.302
Let's look at it this way you have a boss that you report to at some point.

00:08:01.302 --> 00:08:02.182
Even if you're the top of the organization.

00:08:02.182 --> 00:08:03.404
You might have a board that you report to at some point.

00:08:03.404 --> 00:08:11.398
Even if you're the top of the organization, you might have a board that you report to, but somebody's telling you these are the goals, or you're helping to decide, these are the goals.

00:08:11.398 --> 00:08:15.168
And then the path is pretty clear Sell stuff, serve people.

00:08:15.168 --> 00:08:16.471
Well, make some money.

00:08:16.471 --> 00:08:17.660
All that kind of stuff Like that's.

00:08:17.660 --> 00:08:20.944
The whole purpose of business is to actually make money.

00:08:21.144 --> 00:08:26.449
Let's just be clear, like that's the foundation of what we do, so we're good with that, like there's nothing wrong with that.

00:08:26.449 --> 00:08:49.774
Then, when you jump into the entrepreneurial space sometimes the structure that we had in the corporate world all of a sudden we're like hooray, I have all this free time, I have all this free these, all these ideas and all this kind of stuff, and what can happen is we're not careful, if we're not really diligent, is we can kind of go way over the ends and we can work twice as much and make no money at all.

00:08:49.774 --> 00:08:58.211
Like, let's just be clear, that totally happens in the entrepreneurial space, not because we wanted to, but it's just sometimes it can be part of the journey.

00:08:58.211 --> 00:09:18.957
But what you said was really interesting to me because you and I have kind of danced around this conversation the last two times times that we've talked, both this morning and a couple weeks ago, when we just were chatting on the phone, and that was about like we're only want to want to clarify for the audiences the next steps, like everybody's just taking their next steps.

00:09:18.957 --> 00:09:23.323
I there's no mistakes, there's no like I got off my path.

00:09:23.924 --> 00:09:26.971
I think actually part of the journey of life, the more.

00:09:27.192 --> 00:09:30.044
The longer I live, the more that I do what I do.

00:09:30.787 --> 00:09:45.568
The path, kind of like yes, there's the idea that I have, and that's almost like I see things in pictures, thoughts kind of come to me in pictures, and so the picture is is like yes, the path seems I just want to go after and I want to do this thing, I want to have this goal.

00:09:46.149 --> 00:09:50.456
But the journey is like the zig the zag, like you know.

00:09:50.456 --> 00:09:51.583
I go back and forth.

00:09:51.583 --> 00:09:55.860
I might feel like I take a step back and then I take a couple of steps forward and all that kind of stuff.

00:09:55.860 --> 00:09:59.304
Like that's actually the adventure that we're on.

00:09:59.304 --> 00:10:27.832
If you come from a faith background, like I'm going to frame stuff in the way that I know how, and that means that I'm going to talk about God and I believe actually God's totally okay with the journey of life and he expects us as his kids to be like well, I'm going to go over here and then I'm going to go there and then I'm going to kind of go here, but he's a good dad, like, and if I'm really going to get like off the path, he's a good dad, he's always going to bring me back in, just like we're good parents to our kids.

00:10:28.313 --> 00:10:34.508
We're going to be, like, hey, you kind of got off track a little bit and so then, so I just I don't.

00:10:34.508 --> 00:10:49.909
I actually have really been pondering this, as my life has taken these, um, radical left turns that I did not expect, but still like like leaning in, to be like, oh, okay, are we going over here Medical crisis?

00:10:49.909 --> 00:10:54.583
I mean, okay, I didn't plan that, but yeah, that's, that's part of the journey.

00:10:54.583 --> 00:10:56.708
Oh, we're going over here like job loss?

00:10:56.708 --> 00:10:58.212
Okay, All right.

00:10:58.212 --> 00:11:00.525
Well, again, that wasn't part of the plan.

00:11:00.586 --> 00:11:11.861
But then I prayed I feel like, okay, god, what do you want me to do?

00:11:11.861 --> 00:11:12.322
What's my next step?

00:11:12.322 --> 00:11:17.174
I feel like I get that download, I take those next steps Doesn't really pan out the way that I thought it was, don't reach my goals, and yet that journey of learning.

00:11:17.174 --> 00:11:29.712
So one thing I love about you, dan, is I can say with confidence, every single conversation that I've ever had with you, you have shared with me the journey, and I love that about you.

00:11:29.732 --> 00:11:31.919
I love the transparency of sharing.

00:11:31.919 --> 00:11:39.741
Like, well, okay, I'm on this next step in my journey, even when you couldn't see it for yourself.

00:11:39.741 --> 00:11:42.489
And I said, hey, don't forget, you're just taking your next step.

00:11:42.489 --> 00:11:45.346
You're kind of like, oh, that's right and right back to it.

00:11:45.346 --> 00:11:51.565
Like it took less than a half of a second for you to realize like, oh, that's right, I'm actually on this journey.

00:11:51.565 --> 00:11:59.912
So I just want to encourage somebody who feels like they got off track today, as they're listening to us have this part of the conversation.

00:11:59.912 --> 00:12:03.125
You're not off track, you're just on a journey.

00:12:03.125 --> 00:12:09.330
It's an adventure, and just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and just take that next step forward.

00:12:09.530 --> 00:12:18.336
Well, and I so appreciate that reminder and the words you shared, especially about me, and here's why is I.

00:12:18.336 --> 00:12:21.466
You know, I retired from the army in 2018.

00:12:21.466 --> 00:12:31.812
And just prior to that, I had certified as a story brand guide and I'll never forget the moment that helped me to recognize the journey piece and and focusing.

00:12:31.812 --> 00:12:32.033

00:12:32.033 --> 00:13:12.004
I have spent the last six or so years intentionally focusing on the journey and staying in tune with those steps and and not mistakes and and all of those pieces that we can talk about, especially in the entrepreneurial world and I hear it from clients all the time is, you know, not getting caught up in that past piece and the potential for those mistakes, because they all are truly lessons, some of them good, some of them not so good and and taking, being able to take the lessons as you continue in that journey has been so important.

00:13:12.004 --> 00:13:16.192
I took, I shared with you, I took a few months um out.

00:13:16.192 --> 00:13:45.793
I went, I went overseas for the for three months um this, just this, last year, and enjoyed every minute of it, but what it really helped me see was the adventure that I was a part of and embracing Learning over the last few years to embrace adventure more has been a journey of discovery for me, getting back in touch with who I was, who I am, who I was meant to be before being in the military.

00:13:45.852 --> 00:13:54.868
Because while you're in the military it's easy to get I would say, get caught up in, but really there's a lot of work that I had a discussion with somebody the other day.

00:13:54.868 --> 00:13:59.542
There's a lot of work that goes into creating a soldier.

00:13:59.542 --> 00:14:07.215
They teach you, they train you and they instill in you the identity of a soldier.

00:14:07.215 --> 00:14:10.326
So there was a point in time I was lost in.

00:14:10.326 --> 00:14:28.547
That identity is how I would describe it, and getting back in touch with that is not an easy transition, but I digress, so I was going to say the one thing that stands out to me is I heard Gary Vaynerchuk say that there are not enough people documenting the journey, so that triggered something with me.

00:14:28.840 --> 00:14:38.554
And I try to be mindful and share that experience with people when the opportunity presents itself, because not enough people get to hear the hard parts.

00:14:38.554 --> 00:14:40.325
They only get to see the highlights.

00:14:41.408 --> 00:14:45.750
Oh yeah, and don't we know, there's a lot of hard parts to life.

00:15:14.919 --> 00:15:26.817
I can't thank you enough, by the way, for being there with me when those conversations happen and hearing from you the experiences that you share with me and being able to share with someone those experiences from my perspective and just having someone that can listen intently and then be able to provide guidance from their own perspective if asked for.

00:15:26.817 --> 00:15:33.791
And that's the other thing is, you know, I know you and I know that you don't just jump in and say, hey, this is how you should do things.

00:15:33.791 --> 00:15:37.932
You know you help people with that discernment as well.

00:15:37.932 --> 00:15:41.808
So I want to go over a couple points you brought up, if that's okay.

00:15:42.750 --> 00:15:59.390
Making money so, as a woman of faith, I know I certified with Ramsey Solutions more than once and there's a very faith-driven piece of that mission, especially the first time I went through the financial coaching training there.

00:15:59.390 --> 00:16:04.484
It was led by their faith team at that point or their ministry team.

00:16:04.484 --> 00:16:18.576
But one of the conversations I have heard so many times and been a part of so many times is how do you navigate that story of making money versus ministry in the work that you're doing?

00:16:18.576 --> 00:16:20.527
I agree with you.

00:16:20.527 --> 00:16:23.488
We're in business to make money.

00:16:23.488 --> 00:16:28.261
I'm happy to make money and to make a profit, to be specific.

00:16:28.261 --> 00:16:34.902
Right, I have no qualms with that, but I'm just curious how do you navigate that conversation when it comes up?

00:16:36.446 --> 00:16:42.163
Okay, so I'm going to I'm just a little side note ahead of time I'm probably going to rock some worlds right here.

00:16:42.163 --> 00:16:45.812
So I think in the this is.

00:16:45.812 --> 00:16:48.508
This is kind of where I've come on this journey of going.

00:16:48.508 --> 00:16:54.369
Let me just frame it first of going from being taught as a kid money's bad, money's evil.

00:16:54.448 --> 00:17:03.923
Having money is somehow going to destroy your life the only people that have money are the bad people, or it leads to adultery or drug abuse or alcoholism and all these negative things.

00:17:03.923 --> 00:17:08.673
Okay, so that has has previously been my frame of reference.

00:17:08.673 --> 00:17:13.371
I've worked a lot of years to try to unravel that nonsense.

00:17:13.371 --> 00:17:26.067
I do believe when I read scripture and God talks about the abundance that he has for us as his kids, right Is that he's a God of abundance.

00:17:26.067 --> 00:17:27.740
He has everything for us, like he.

00:17:27.740 --> 00:17:34.663
Actually there's lots and lots and lots of scripture that supports the fact that God's okay with us making money.

00:17:34.663 --> 00:17:38.592
What he's not okay with is where I idolize that money.

00:17:38.592 --> 00:17:39.942
So that's solely different.

00:17:39.942 --> 00:17:47.612
So hopefully, right there we're going to set somebody free from that nonsense, because it's a total lie that somehow money's bad or whatever.

00:17:47.612 --> 00:17:48.884
First of all, money's amoral.

00:17:48.884 --> 00:17:50.145
It's not good or bad or whatever.

00:17:51.480 --> 00:18:08.233
By the way, as a believer, as a Christian, the more money that I have, the more that I can do, the more I can bless people, the more I can honor people, the more I can and that includes my own household the more that I can further the kingdom, further the gospel message, the more I can pour into things.

00:18:10.980 --> 00:18:12.123
So again, I'm just kind of setting some framework.

00:18:12.123 --> 00:18:47.099
The other thing that I was studying at the very probably last year, I think it was at the tail end, if you look up in Mark I think it's in Mark 2, where they talk about Jesus is born, where they talk about Jesus is born, and so the Magi not three wise men, by the way the Magi bring so many gifts to Jesus at his birth and his parents that I would wonder I haven't done the research on it, but I would wonder, if you look back at the historical facts of the amount of money that was right.

00:18:47.099 --> 00:18:51.010
It's like gold, frankincense, myrrh, all these different things that were given to Jesus.

00:18:51.010 --> 00:19:00.603
As that verse, I actually wondered if that provided enough runway for his family that he had what he needed until he stepped into ministry full time.

00:19:00.603 --> 00:19:04.489
Okay, so I'm just going to hypothesize.

00:19:04.489 --> 00:19:08.801
It's not heresy, I'm just this is what I see when I read the scriptures.

00:19:08.801 --> 00:19:09.483

00:19:09.564 --> 00:19:11.188
I see, God is God of abundance.

00:19:11.188 --> 00:19:15.022
I see that Jesus had a whole bunch of resources.

00:19:15.022 --> 00:19:17.528
I see that scripture talks about that.

00:19:17.528 --> 00:19:18.951
He never had anything.

00:19:18.951 --> 00:19:20.921
He never wanted for anything.

00:19:20.921 --> 00:19:22.044
He had every.

00:19:22.044 --> 00:19:25.590
Every time he asked his father, his father gave him, Okay.

00:19:25.590 --> 00:19:34.145
The other thing that I have come to believe is I think that when we are in the church and we have somebody has this great idea you want to serve this community.

00:19:34.145 --> 00:19:44.428
Right, I serve, I will say, ironically enough, because I was not raised in an environment, nor did I ever experience this in the corporate environment, that somehow I'm supposed to serve women.

00:19:44.888 --> 00:19:45.730
I think that there's.

00:19:45.730 --> 00:19:52.589
I think that's amazing and it also makes me chuckle a little bit that these are the people that God's called me to serve.

00:19:52.589 --> 00:20:11.695
But I think that when we tell people that have risen to a level of success, hey, go start a ministry, and then that means like, sell everything and don't have any worldly possessions or anything like that, I think that's actually some of the worst advice that we could give people.

00:20:11.695 --> 00:20:26.147
Because how, if my hands are tied, because now I have no resources available to me, how am I actually going to serve other people Like I don't that actually that whole idea that somehow I have to sell everything.

00:20:26.147 --> 00:20:27.190
Now let me be clear.

00:20:27.190 --> 00:20:36.030
If God tells you specifically sell your stuff and go do something like listen to God, don't you know, run this by him first.

00:20:36.030 --> 00:20:36.672
But I?

00:20:36.672 --> 00:20:43.733
But what I've noticed is more things than not is you have lots of folks that are in the church that are broken.

00:20:43.733 --> 00:20:44.981
I think that's more holy.

00:20:44.981 --> 00:20:48.888
I just don't see that modeled church that are broken.

00:20:48.888 --> 00:20:49.770
I think that's more holy.

00:20:49.770 --> 00:20:52.336
I just don't see that modeled in scripture at all.

00:20:52.336 --> 00:20:57.402
I think that's a message that man's given specifically in the United States.

00:20:57.402 --> 00:20:58.364
I think it's part of this watered down gospel.

00:20:58.364 --> 00:20:59.487
That's probably another part of a conversation to have.

00:20:59.487 --> 00:21:02.054
But actually I think we can do so much more.

00:21:02.134 --> 00:21:12.633
When I have money to save, when I have money to tithe, when I have money to save, when I have money to tithe, when I have money to invest, when I have money to grow, when I have money to be able to prosper.

00:21:12.853 --> 00:21:15.605
Scripture says that I'm supposed to prosper as my soul prospers.

00:21:15.605 --> 00:21:20.563
And prosperity, the definition of prosperity, is not just money, it's actually all things.

00:21:20.563 --> 00:21:23.509
It's health, wealth, spiritual, it's all these different things.

00:21:23.509 --> 00:22:02.019
And so then I'll kind of end it with this when I study the Proverbs woman, and that lady's industrious, she's an entrepreneur, she's the very definition of an entrepreneur that's going out, she's getting up early, she's providing for her household, she's called blessed, her husband is honored because of the things that she does, like they as a team work together and they have this entrepreneurial mindset and this, and because of that they have abundance in their household, they can not only take care of themselves, but they can take care of their staff and their people and their community and all this kind of stuff.

00:22:02.019 --> 00:22:21.923
And so I actually think we do ourselves a disservice to believe I'll go so boldly to say, to believe a lie, that somehow it's better to have nothing and that's somehow more holy and more spiritual than if we had access to resources, and then we can do all these things together.

00:22:22.002 --> 00:22:23.786
So what do?

00:22:23.806 --> 00:22:26.249
you think I absolutely agree with you.

00:22:26.249 --> 00:22:32.143
I was just curious from your perspective, I hadn't heard it and opportunity presented itself.

00:22:32.143 --> 00:22:34.228
I am in 100% agreement.

00:22:34.228 --> 00:22:40.786
I think there are plenty of stories in the Bible, in Scripture, that show us that.

00:22:40.786 --> 00:22:48.499
You know, given little to expand is the expectation, and that's my belief.

00:22:48.499 --> 00:22:49.760
I also am.

00:22:50.182 --> 00:22:55.093
You know, I come from a frame of mind where I was taught that you know money stories.

00:22:55.093 --> 00:22:56.326
We'll just call it money stories.

00:22:56.326 --> 00:23:11.563
There's lots of them I could share, but you know, one of the ones that stands out is really related to messaging and how people take messaging is really related to messaging and how people take messaging, especially from Scripture, and they apply it in the way they want people to hear it.

00:23:11.563 --> 00:23:17.761
So we often hear misquoted information, misquoted information from the Bible about money Specifically.

00:23:17.761 --> 00:23:22.653
The one that stands out that I hear consistently is money is the root of all evil, and it's not true.

00:23:22.653 --> 00:23:25.246
The love of money, the idolization that you talked about, is the root of all evil and it's not true.

00:23:25.246 --> 00:23:28.161
The love of money, the idolization that you talked about, is the root of all evil.

00:23:28.603 --> 00:23:31.369
Yeah, and let's talk about that.

00:23:31.369 --> 00:23:32.010
Why is that?

00:23:32.010 --> 00:23:34.324
It's really like God's a jealous God.

00:23:34.324 --> 00:23:38.921
He wants us, he wants relationship with us, he wants intimacy with us.

00:23:39.301 --> 00:23:48.411
So if I put anything above my relationship with God, that could be my husband, that could be money, that could be my kids, that could be my house, that could be my car, it doesn't matter.

00:23:48.411 --> 00:23:49.580
All of it Like God's.

00:23:49.580 --> 00:23:56.285
Like I'm not okay with all that, because I love you, I want to be in relationship with you above all else.

00:23:56.285 --> 00:24:09.796
I've pursued you to be able to come back and have intimacy with me and be in relationship with me, and so anything that would supersede that, god's like hey, by the way, you're my daughter, you're my son.

00:24:09.796 --> 00:24:11.280
Like that's not good for you.

00:24:11.280 --> 00:24:13.747
Don't go over here and love this thing.

00:24:13.747 --> 00:24:16.701
That's not going to give you, that's not going to fulfill your life.

00:24:16.701 --> 00:24:30.952
You know, we could even entertain the idea that if I know let me just put it this way, from my experience, when I've made the thing the only goal in my life and I've gotten the thing, don't you know?

00:24:30.952 --> 00:24:34.269
Like almost immediately I'm like okay, now I'm not satisfied again.

00:24:34.269 --> 00:24:34.911
What's the next thing?

00:24:35.160 --> 00:24:35.961
What's the next thing?

00:24:36.884 --> 00:24:40.071
And that that's because God knows that about our hearts.

00:24:40.680 --> 00:24:48.906
Yeah, right, and then see, so hear that it's not, that the things are bad, there's nothing wrong with the things Now I'm talking about.

00:24:48.906 --> 00:24:50.567
Let me just be clear.

00:24:50.567 --> 00:24:59.827
I'm not talking about going after like, oh, I want something that's going to destroy my marriage, destroy my me, destroy my family, all that kind of stuff.

00:24:59.827 --> 00:25:02.700
I'm just talking about the good and healthy things that we have, and abundant.

00:25:02.700 --> 00:25:09.792
Like I love the beach, I love, love, love the beach, I love, love, love the beach, I love the ocean, all that kind of stuff.

00:25:09.792 --> 00:25:14.249
But if I made that my idol, that my God, that would be a bad thing.

00:25:14.369 --> 00:25:16.701
Hmm there's nothing wrong with the beach.

00:25:16.701 --> 00:25:18.328
It's the way that I perceive it.

00:25:18.328 --> 00:25:26.511
If I make it more important than my relationship with God and with man, then okay, Then I then yeah you know what?

00:25:26.612 --> 00:25:27.896
Yeah, that's okay.

00:25:27.896 --> 00:25:28.818
I need a shift.

00:25:28.818 --> 00:25:31.986
That's come back to what God wants me to be doing.

00:25:31.986 --> 00:25:32.887
Like it's beautiful.

00:25:32.887 --> 00:25:34.256
There's nothing to me there's.

00:25:34.256 --> 00:25:39.403
There's only two things on this earth that are like neck and neck of the most beautiful scenery.

00:25:39.403 --> 00:25:43.008
That's the ocean and the woods, like the redwoods in California.

00:25:43.008 --> 00:25:44.528
Like I love those two.

00:25:44.528 --> 00:25:48.761
Those two sceneries for me are like that's my sweet spot, right there.

00:25:48.862 --> 00:26:02.067
Well, so I absolutely concur with you, on the beach I spend my I was, I was speaking with, as we're recording this last night speaking with a client in a session, and that's you know.

00:26:02.067 --> 00:26:17.617
They asked me about my recharge space because I'm an extrovert, openly, honestly, admittedly, but I still need space to recharge, and so I enjoy sunsets and sunrises at the beach, and there's so many reasons why.

00:26:17.617 --> 00:26:38.703
But just walking in the sand, taking in the vastness of the ocean and in my case it's the Atlantic ocean, cause you talked about the redwoods which I would love to see, haven't been there, but I, you know, I can take in that vastness and the paintings in the sky, all that nature and ability to just ground myself.

00:26:38.703 --> 00:26:43.998
There is how I recharge, and so I absolutely love that piece.

00:26:44.598 --> 00:26:45.721
But you're absolutely right.

00:26:45.721 --> 00:26:52.914
In fact I don't want to misquote it, but I think it's one of the commandments that talks about thou shalt have no other God or idol before me.

00:26:52.914 --> 00:26:59.928
So well said and way to solidify those points.

00:26:59.928 --> 00:27:01.089
So thank you for that piece.

00:27:01.089 --> 00:27:22.247
The other one is, and you kind of it might have already been covered in that piece, but you know, as an entrepreneur, as a coach, as a consultant, you know we've already talked about some of our journey and some of the things you said hard left turns oh wait, I didn't see that coming.

00:27:22.813 --> 00:27:22.954

00:27:23.095 --> 00:27:33.363
How do you avoid, and how do you teach other people to avoid, the shiny objects that all of us experience in that journey?

00:27:37.510 --> 00:27:38.913
Okay, so I'm I will.

00:27:38.913 --> 00:27:41.039
I actually have come to look at it this way.

00:27:41.039 --> 00:27:45.557
So shiny objects, that's like one category of things is.

00:27:45.557 --> 00:27:51.096
It's a distraction in front of me and it's keeping me from doing a task that I'm supposed to do.

00:27:51.096 --> 00:27:53.923
I'll just make it super simple right, because I love simple.

00:27:54.965 --> 00:27:56.856
So something that distracts me.

00:27:56.856 --> 00:28:09.123
It could be like my phone, so it doesn't matter what it is Netflix, tiktok, I don't care, like all great things, but if they are keeping me from something that I'm actually supposed to do, then it turns into distraction category.

00:28:09.123 --> 00:28:18.829
The only way that I know how to navigate that situation is to try to get my mind back as quickly as possible to oh.

00:28:18.829 --> 00:28:23.617
Try to get my mind back as quickly as possible to oh.

00:28:23.617 --> 00:28:24.078
I got off track.

00:28:24.078 --> 00:28:30.378
Now I'm going to get back on track, and so I think the things in life are really the same thing, though, dan, is that okay?

00:28:30.378 --> 00:28:31.883
Something happened, okay.

00:28:31.883 --> 00:28:39.315
So two years ago, I shared with you that we had a situation where my husband went in for an outpatient procedure about an hour later.

00:28:39.315 --> 00:28:52.059
Instead of having the procedure ended up in the emergency room not planned, I mean, by the grace of God, he made it to where he got the medical attention that he needed for his life and his, and it was a life-saving moment for us.

00:28:52.059 --> 00:28:53.143

00:28:53.143 --> 00:28:54.686
So we navigated that.

00:28:54.686 --> 00:28:56.050
Was it a distraction?

00:28:56.050 --> 00:28:58.797
No, it was a trial, like we had to walk through that.

00:28:58.797 --> 00:29:00.681
We had to figure out what does life look like?

00:29:00.681 --> 00:29:02.544
Uh, it was really.

00:29:02.544 --> 00:29:03.384
It was difficult.

00:29:03.384 --> 00:29:06.497
It was super difficult, but it was what it was.

00:29:06.497 --> 00:29:07.199
Where we were.

00:29:07.519 --> 00:29:11.994
I'm I am probably I dare say maybe in session in my household.

00:29:11.994 --> 00:29:23.317
I'm the most equipped to deal with like the kind of trauma or, um incidences that are, like my husband would say, there's nobody better in our household.

00:29:23.317 --> 00:29:29.545
Like, if something radical is happening, anita is going to be the one to like jump in and have like level head and fix things.

00:29:29.545 --> 00:29:32.154
Like that's just kind of that's the way I operate.

00:29:32.154 --> 00:29:33.096
I just get to work.

00:29:33.096 --> 00:29:38.307
Um, even earlier this year, we were back in the emergency room.

00:29:39.938 --> 00:29:55.342
Okay, we're back in the emergency room with my husband and we're not and we're driving over there and navigating it and talking about, like we were talking about the kind of the fears of the situation and oh my gosh, I can't believe we're back here again and all this kind of stuff.

00:29:55.342 --> 00:29:59.143
And I was like wait a minute timeout, but look how far that's taken us.

00:29:59.143 --> 00:30:12.304
Like, do you know, because of two years ago, the events that happened two years ago, we are, our marriage is radically shifted in such a positive way and it's reignited.

00:30:12.304 --> 00:30:26.336
Reignited just the way that we communicate with one another, the love and respect that we give to each other, the care that we have, the tenderness that we have, the longevity that we have, and recognizing like I don't want to do life without my husband.

00:30:26.336 --> 00:30:32.859
And so how do I actually model that and walk in that every single day, even if he does something that kind of bugs me?

00:30:32.859 --> 00:30:35.186
I mean, you know, those things happen right?

00:30:35.355 --> 00:30:36.435
Yes, I'm sure that they do.

00:30:38.357 --> 00:30:38.577

00:30:38.577 --> 00:30:42.701
Anytime you're in close relationship with anybody, we're always going to get to that point.

00:30:42.701 --> 00:31:04.239
So I think, maybe the big thing for me, what I've learned in life and the lesson is when, whatever it is, if it's a minor distraction, that's a shiny you know everybody loves to talk about the shiny object syndrome right now or if it's a full blown like situation that needs a different attention.

00:31:04.239 --> 00:31:05.602
I don't care where you are in that spectrum.

00:31:05.923 --> 00:31:06.363
It's how do I get back?

00:31:06.383 --> 00:31:16.603
quickly If my relationship with my husband gets off track, okay, how do we reset quickly If something is a distraction?

00:31:16.603 --> 00:31:22.710
I went through a difficult situation for about six weeks ago.

00:31:22.710 --> 00:31:25.296
It got me off track.

00:31:25.636 --> 00:31:25.897

00:31:27.961 --> 00:31:32.670
It was a whole bunch of stuff that was going on in my mind that got me off track.

00:31:32.670 --> 00:31:38.001
So the thing is like my responsibilities, how do I get back on track fast?

00:31:38.001 --> 00:31:43.809
So what I did is I recognized that I had my own blueprint to get myself back on track fast.

00:31:43.809 --> 00:31:45.361
This is my blueprint.

00:31:45.361 --> 00:31:53.925
So, as I describe it, I want you to listen to what's your version of the blueprint and then, if you're listening to the podcast, jot down what your version is.

00:31:53.925 --> 00:31:58.826
Take a couple minutes when we're done and you jot down what your blueprint for reset really is.

00:31:58.826 --> 00:32:05.635
So I'm just going to get real practical and tactical, because I love doing that Like how can I do something with the information in life?

00:32:05.635 --> 00:32:09.303
Not stay ethereal and all in my head, but like how can I do something?

00:32:09.303 --> 00:32:20.375
So what I realize is some of the things that I do every single day is when I get up in the morning, I just I try to practice some gratitude a little bit of just like wow, I woke up and I have breath.

00:32:20.375 --> 00:32:20.807
In the morning, I try to practice some gratitude a little bit.

00:32:20.807 --> 00:32:22.930
I'm just like wow, I woke up and I have breath in my lungs.

00:32:22.930 --> 00:32:23.691
That's amazing.

00:32:23.691 --> 00:32:25.461
I dive into scripture.

00:32:25.461 --> 00:32:28.442
I usually pray in that time.

00:32:28.442 --> 00:32:33.346
Then I go for a walk, I have some form of exercise, preferably outside.

00:32:33.346 --> 00:32:34.460
I love being outside.

00:32:34.460 --> 00:32:41.923
I'm setting my mind up for success in the morning.

00:32:41.923 --> 00:32:45.500
I am setting my body up for success in the morning.

00:32:46.042 --> 00:32:47.348
I get going about my day.

00:32:47.348 --> 00:32:49.256
I do things that I know that I'm supposed to do.

00:32:49.256 --> 00:32:50.558
I love making lists.

00:32:50.558 --> 00:32:53.907
I'm like a list maker because I love checking things off the list.

00:32:53.907 --> 00:32:56.218
That helps me to feel a sense of accomplishment.

00:32:56.218 --> 00:32:57.098
All that kind of stuff.

00:32:57.098 --> 00:32:59.642
I connect with my people, all these kinds of things.

00:32:59.642 --> 00:33:03.486
At the end of the day, I have started.

00:33:04.386 --> 00:33:10.779
Oh, maybe last year I read a book called by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan.

00:33:10.779 --> 00:33:17.518
It's the gap in the game and he talks about how, at the end of the day, is the most important.

00:33:17.518 --> 00:33:25.376
The last hour before you go to bed is actually the most important hour of your entire day, because you journal all the great things that happens, all your wins.

00:33:25.376 --> 00:33:28.305
You write those down and then you plan for the next day.

00:33:28.305 --> 00:33:29.106
What am I going to be?

00:33:29.106 --> 00:33:29.977
No more than three.

00:33:29.977 --> 00:33:32.121
What are we going to be my wins for the next day?

00:33:32.121 --> 00:33:44.276
So that practice, so that's my blueprint and what I realized is the practice of doing those things for Anita every day, day in, day out.

00:33:44.276 --> 00:33:46.278
That resets me the fastest.

00:33:47.541 --> 00:33:54.521
So, as you think about this, I would encourage you, as you're listening, figure out what your blueprint is for yourself.

00:33:54.521 --> 00:33:56.955
It doesn't have to be the things that I do.

00:33:56.955 --> 00:33:58.078
It could be whatever you do.

00:33:58.078 --> 00:34:00.346
You know whatever that looks like for you.

00:34:00.346 --> 00:34:07.461
Figure out what those things are that when you have, like the day that you're like, yes, I'm firing, I'm on all cylinders, this is amazing.

00:34:07.461 --> 00:34:27.034
I know who I am, I know what my purpose is, I know what I'm supposed to do, I'm like, yeah, ok, I got this no-transcript.

00:34:27.034 --> 00:34:35.222
On the days when you lose your shit and you don't know what's going on, you can go back to your own blueprint.

00:34:35.222 --> 00:34:35.663
And that's what I did.

00:34:35.702 --> 00:34:39.806
I reached out to people that I knew that can pray for me, that can talk through stuff.

00:34:39.806 --> 00:34:40.780
Like I went through my blueprint and then I added the things that I knew that can pray for me, that can talk through stuff.

00:34:40.780 --> 00:34:43.467
Like I went through my blueprint and then I added the things that I always do.

00:34:43.467 --> 00:34:44.789
I reach out to my community.

00:34:44.789 --> 00:34:47.079
I'm like I'm struggling.

00:34:47.079 --> 00:34:47.661
What do I do?

00:34:47.661 --> 00:34:50.695
I talk to the people that I live with because they know me the best.

00:34:50.695 --> 00:34:56.483
Hey mom, hey babe, I see that this is where you're a little bit off, because I've learned and they've learned.

00:34:56.483 --> 00:35:02.161
When I come to them and I say something's off and I don't know what it is, can you guys help me?

00:35:02.161 --> 00:35:03.646
This is what I'm walking through.

00:35:03.646 --> 00:35:12.864
We, as a family, we've cultivated an environment where we, as a family, can be a safe place and somebody will say, oh, I think you're doing great over here, but I think you're just just.

00:35:12.864 --> 00:35:19.826
I think it's always like this tiny little chiropractic shift, like that's all it takes, and then your whole trajectory changes.

00:35:19.826 --> 00:35:28.041
Right, yes, so it's all those elements that I mapped out for me.

00:35:28.061 --> 00:35:31.291
I also include reaching out to people that I know because they help, just like Dan and I were talking about earlier.

00:35:31.291 --> 00:35:35.726
They helped me see my blind spots and they go wait a minute, what do you mean?

00:35:35.726 --> 00:35:36.367
You're off track.

00:35:36.367 --> 00:35:47.782
You're not off track Like you might feel like you're off track today, but that that's the other element that I use in my personal blueprint is that I I go through these things.

00:35:47.782 --> 00:35:51.364
Not, it's a discipline.

00:35:51.364 --> 00:35:52.865
That's what it boils down to.

00:35:52.865 --> 00:36:00.092
This is my discipline for success that allows me to go and do the things that I can do and on the days when I can't.

00:36:00.092 --> 00:36:01.873
I mean some days.

00:36:01.873 --> 00:36:03.699
Some days you need to need a break.

00:36:03.699 --> 00:36:05.463
Let's just be clear.

00:36:05.625 --> 00:36:16.083
Yeah absolutely Take that time to recharge, when you recognize that you know things are are not feeling like they should, and that's usually when I'll go watch sunset in the morning.

00:36:16.083 --> 00:36:23.804
With sunset in the morning, you know what I mean, but yeah, that's when I'll go watch the sunrise and just enjoy that moment.

00:36:23.804 --> 00:36:25.797
I'll spend, you know, a couple hours there.

00:36:25.797 --> 00:36:29.023
I might go surfing that day, who knows.

00:36:29.023 --> 00:36:38.536
But you know, it all leads to feeling re-energized and reconnecting with where it is I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing.

00:36:38.536 --> 00:36:45.335
Because it's not hard to get off track when you have a lot going on, especially Now.

00:36:45.335 --> 00:36:50.295
That's actually a good segue as we move towards, I recognize, our time together.

00:36:50.295 --> 00:37:02.096
So, moving towards wrapping up, you're working with women who are, and men, to be clear who are coming out of that corporate environment, especially in the tech space.

00:37:02.797 --> 00:37:10.239
They have a lot going on and now they're trying to navigate what it looks like to shift gears completely.

00:37:10.239 --> 00:37:18.061
Because, well, working for yourself looks a whole lot different than having all that structured day in and day out, even if you're at the top.

00:37:18.061 --> 00:37:29.356
There's much more structure in that field, in corporate, than there ever will be, initially or later, depending on what you do to set yourself up for success.

00:37:29.356 --> 00:37:31.422
But there's a lot of structure that's missing.

00:37:31.422 --> 00:37:33.367
So there's a lot going on.

00:37:33.367 --> 00:37:39.646
What would you say to just encourage those people?

00:37:39.646 --> 00:37:41.449
One of the things I want to say is coaching.

00:37:41.449 --> 00:37:42.137
You pointed out.

00:37:42.137 --> 00:37:47.295
You know, even reaching out to people you know can help you see your blind spots.

00:37:47.295 --> 00:37:55.385
But I think that there's tremendous value offer.

00:37:55.385 --> 00:38:05.298
Is that outside perspective, in who it is that they're spending time with right Helping people see their blind spots?

00:38:05.298 --> 00:38:15.324
But beyond that, what would you offer to them as words of encouragement, aside from finding a great coach to navigate that space?

00:38:16.545 --> 00:38:22.858
Yeah, the coaching component is key for two big reasons, and I'll just kind of piggyback on what you're talking about, dan.

00:38:22.858 --> 00:38:25.960
It's key because when I invest then I show up differently.

00:38:25.960 --> 00:38:32.505
So when I make a financial investment I totally show up differently than if I'm doing free stuff.

00:38:32.505 --> 00:38:34.106
So nothing against free stuff.

00:38:34.106 --> 00:38:35.887
There's a lot of amazing free stuff out there.

00:38:35.887 --> 00:38:43.739
But I know and I know for my clients, when they show up for the prices that I charge man, they show up right.

00:38:43.739 --> 00:38:44.521
They really show up.

00:38:44.842 --> 00:38:45.364
So that's it.

00:38:45.364 --> 00:38:53.119
And then the accountability part, of being able to say, oh my gosh, especially when we've come from the corporate space and we're used to the accountability.

00:38:53.119 --> 00:38:54.545
We have these KPIs.

00:38:54.545 --> 00:38:58.177
If you don't know what that means, it's key performance indicators, right?

00:38:58.177 --> 00:39:13.965
So I have these KPIs that have to meet meet for my sales or my you know revenue and all these kinds of things like we know that we know how to operate in a setting where we're we're setting goals and achieving those goals in the corporate space because we've done that our whole career.

00:39:13.965 --> 00:39:27.317
And then we move over to the entrepreneur space and if we don't have somebody that can be, that can hold us accountable in an I dare say, in, I would really challenge somebody who might be thinking I could do that for free with my best friend.

00:39:27.317 --> 00:39:32.047
You could, but I, I'll bet you money, I'll bet you a nickel.

00:39:32.047 --> 00:39:35.242
You'll probably show up differently if you invest and plunk down some money.

00:39:35.242 --> 00:39:37.135
So that'd be one thing that I would say.

00:39:37.135 --> 00:39:40.000
That's really, really key.

00:39:40.561 --> 00:39:57.744
The other part is creating a plan to be able to move forward, and here's why let's say, like in my household, for many seasons I, my husband and I have shared the responsibility of watching our kids and somebody be the primary breadwinner.

00:39:57.744 --> 00:40:08.501
We've kind of traded that back and forth Many times I've been the primary breadwinner and he's helped out, and then we've exchanged roles.

00:40:08.501 --> 00:40:19.757
So if I'm the primary breadwinner and then all of a sudden I say, hey, by the way, I'm going to quit my job and I'm going to go be an entrepreneur, the stress level that was potentially okay.

00:40:19.757 --> 00:40:28.990
Let me frame this because I was already working probably more than 50 hours a week in my corporate job as a successful person.

00:40:28.990 --> 00:40:32.141
Then I don't know from my experience.

00:40:32.141 --> 00:40:35.456
I used to work like 80 hours a week and so that was.

00:40:35.456 --> 00:40:39.206
If I went down to 40 hours, for me that was like a part time gig, Right.

00:40:39.206 --> 00:40:44.003
Was, if I went down to 40 hours, for me that was like a part-time gig, Right.

00:40:44.003 --> 00:40:45.831
So I have all this commitment over here and I'm the primary breadwinner.

00:40:45.831 --> 00:40:57.867
And then all of a sudden if I say you know, God's really just calling me to like quit everything and just I'm not sure how we're going to like make our mortgage payment, Can I just say like don't do that now.

00:40:57.867 --> 00:41:04.594
Again, if you're hearing the audible voice of God and he's telling you to do something like that, well then you take it up with him and you guys figure that out together.

00:41:04.594 --> 00:41:09.586
But most people 99.9% of people I would say don't do that.

00:41:09.586 --> 00:41:16.503
That's not a good idea because you'll just increase the stress and you'll increase your neediness to go after and find clients.

00:41:16.635 --> 00:41:24.371
So what I do recommend, and what I walk clients through as I coach them through, is creating a plan to transition over from.

00:41:24.371 --> 00:41:26.777
You have this great income over here.

00:41:26.777 --> 00:41:28.000
That's amazing.

00:41:28.000 --> 00:41:30.284
Let's help to replace that.

00:41:30.284 --> 00:41:32.856
Let's put you on a path of success to replace that.

00:41:32.956 --> 00:41:37.675
How do we figure out what I call your specialized knowledge, what's your superpower?

00:41:37.675 --> 00:41:50.846
That you want to be able to take that skill set and then create an amazing offer where I can charge like three or four or five or six times as much or 10 times as much as what I already make in the corporate space right now.

00:41:50.846 --> 00:41:54.385
And so we're figuring out what your skill set is.

00:41:54.385 --> 00:42:05.744
We're figuring out how to use the network that you're already in right now to be able to cultivate the relationships that you've probably spent a lot of years cultivating already.

00:42:05.744 --> 00:42:09.000
We are figuring out the plan to be able to move forward.

00:42:09.000 --> 00:42:13.094
I love to be able to say this is a goal and right off the bat.

00:42:13.094 --> 00:42:14.943
This is just the way that God speaks to me.

00:42:14.943 --> 00:42:21.327
I'm able to say here's the steps that you're going to take backwards, and then we put it to a calendar and this is going to be your roadmap.

00:42:21.327 --> 00:42:23.784
So we make it super personalized.

00:42:23.914 --> 00:42:30.702
Every single client of mine has different circumstances, different skill sets, different networks, different abilities.

00:42:30.702 --> 00:42:35.335
They have different areas where they need to grow a little bit more before they transition over.

00:42:35.335 --> 00:42:46.746
And then we start working on executing the plan so that they can get clients under their belt and then prove to themselves that, oh my gosh, I can actually do that.

00:42:46.746 --> 00:42:57.907
And then we figure out what's the threshold, money-wise and client-wise of okay, if I get X amount of clients, because that number is always different for everybody then I can see that and I get the pipeline built up.

00:42:57.907 --> 00:42:59.652
I can see that I have get the pipeline built up.

00:42:59.652 --> 00:43:12.130
I can see that I have the trajectory to replace the income that I have over there, so that the transition from one area of work to the other is a little bit more smoothly.

00:43:12.130 --> 00:43:16.498
Now let me just say the mechanics of the business are not that hard.

00:43:16.820 --> 00:43:18.704
It's like 15% of what we're going to do.

00:43:18.704 --> 00:43:29.697
The big challenge when you shift from an employee mindset to shift to a entrepreneur mindset, about 85% of the work goes on up in your head and in your heart.

00:43:30.639 --> 00:43:44.679
And so that also takes a plan of how do I shift from somebody's been responsible for telling me what to do for the last 10, 15, 20 years and then I'm going to go over here.

00:43:44.679 --> 00:43:53.967
I want all this freedom, Anita, Okay, but then sometimes you know kind of like our kids, oh, you can go and do whatever you want, stay up as long as you want.

00:43:54.034 --> 00:43:58.143
They stay up to midnight and they're cranky the next day and they're kind of make a mess of their life and everybody around them.

00:43:58.143 --> 00:43:59.266
We don't want that.

00:43:59.266 --> 00:44:20.505
We want to be able to create a situation where, as you're transitioning both your revenue and your mindset over to the entrepreneurial world and that journey so here's the thing like you can shift the way that your money comes in, but that doesn't necessarily shift your mindset, this part can take longer.

00:44:22.148 --> 00:44:22.648
So good.

00:44:22.835 --> 00:44:24.860
And sometimes it can also be a little bit harder.

00:44:24.860 --> 00:44:30.396
It just depends on how willing you are to say, okay, I'm willing to learn.

00:44:30.396 --> 00:44:36.239
I think the other part of the journey that we walk through a lot is.

00:44:36.239 --> 00:44:52.846
So when I've been in the corporate space and I've had all this experience and the evidence that says I am, I am amazing at what I do, it shows up in my title, it shows up in my income, it shows up in my bonuses, it shows up in my lifestyle.

00:44:52.846 --> 00:45:00.545
I'm so good at what I do because I have the evidence around me, my clients tell me all the time oh, this is awesome.

00:45:00.545 --> 00:45:01.760
I mean, you're so cool.

00:45:01.760 --> 00:45:03.923
Yes, you're, you know you're so great.

00:45:04.945 --> 00:45:07.307
Then you shift over to another area.

00:45:07.307 --> 00:45:11.472
So, dan, you know we've been homeschooling for like 15 years.

00:45:11.472 --> 00:45:13.054
We've been on this journey for a long time.

00:45:13.054 --> 00:45:23.090
Yeah, you know that there were lots of times when I was homeschooling my kids where the feedback was not very positive.

00:45:23.090 --> 00:45:23.552
Mom, I have to.

00:45:23.552 --> 00:45:25.094
You know, usually it was in the middle of winter.

00:45:25.094 --> 00:45:50.648
Like the middle of February was always like our baby meltdown stage, I would call it, where everything would go crazy and I'd be like this is crazy, I'm getting no thanks, I'm not getting paid and my kids don't want to do their work today, and it would usually be about a week timeframe I'd be like that's it, everybody's going back to private school and I'm going back to work, and then my husband would come in and be like all right, all right.

00:45:50.648 --> 00:45:51.268
So, so the adult that?

00:45:51.329 --> 00:46:08.583
My point in saying that is, when I shift over to the entrepreneurial space, sometimes I can feel and I could trick myself and think but I don't have the evidence of being good over here, but I have to learn a different skill set and that's hard and I haven't done that in a long time.

00:46:08.583 --> 00:46:10.648
I haven't grown, I haven't stretched myself.

00:46:10.648 --> 00:46:15.483
So that's where it can be really challenging.

00:46:15.483 --> 00:46:24.925
When we make this transition and having somebody walk you through the process and saying like, oh, I've been through that, I know what it's like, I know what you're experiencing.

00:46:25.447 --> 00:46:41.027
Whether that's Dan helping you through that transition or me helping you or anybody else, whoever's your sweet spot of your coach that you know that resonates with you, you find somebody to help you on the journey, because there's going to be a lot of things that come up.

00:46:41.027 --> 00:46:42.630
There's a lot of emotions that come up.

00:46:42.630 --> 00:46:46.641
There's just a lot of like fears that all of a sudden surface that weren't there before.

00:46:46.641 --> 00:46:50.751
Think of, like one thing, what happened if you lost your medical insurance.

00:46:50.751 --> 00:46:59.505
For a lot of people, they that would like freak them out because they feel like the reason that I have a job for somebody else is for the insurance.

00:47:00.427 --> 00:47:02.913
I, yeah, I run into that all the time in conversation.

00:47:03.260 --> 00:47:07.920
Yeah, oh my gosh, I can't possibly, yeah, I can't possibly go to these things because what about my insurance?

00:47:07.920 --> 00:47:14.581
So I'm not knocking that, I'm just acknowledging that's, that's kind of a thing, right?

00:47:14.581 --> 00:47:25.063
Um, and a household that has experienced hospital bills, you know, uh, let's say, two big times out of the last two years like, yeah, I mean, yes, bills have to get paid.

00:47:25.063 --> 00:47:27.288
I'm yes, they definitely do.

00:47:27.288 --> 00:47:33.947
Um, but working through those elements of where am I going to get clients?

00:47:33.947 --> 00:47:35.710
Where's revenue going to come from?

00:47:35.710 --> 00:47:37.014
Uh, what is it?

00:47:37.014 --> 00:47:39.563
What skill set am I really good at, like at?

00:47:39.563 --> 00:47:48.054
At our age, I'll just say this we're probably really good at hundreds and hundreds of things.

00:47:48.376 --> 00:47:48.576

00:47:49.721 --> 00:47:51.989
But that does not mean that I want to build a business around.

00:47:51.989 --> 00:48:05.228
That it does not mean that it's my like, passion, my expertise, my purpose, that I always see it as a funnel, like I'm really good at a thousand things, let's say, but that doesn't mean that I should build a business around.

00:48:05.228 --> 00:48:06.170
I'm good at gardening.

00:48:06.170 --> 00:48:10.760
I don't want to build a business around gardening because I like we're only working on my own yard.

00:48:10.760 --> 00:48:12.423
I don't want to work on somebody else's weeds.

00:48:12.804 --> 00:48:14.427
So I can feel that yeah.

00:48:15.429 --> 00:48:15.710

00:48:15.710 --> 00:48:21.514
Some some things are just hobbies, some things are I don't want to do that.

00:48:21.514 --> 00:48:35.188
So it takes time to kind of like narrow that, focus down and say like okay, like a target, we're going to specifically go after this saying this is really my skillset, this is what I love.

00:48:35.188 --> 00:48:37.534
I love doing it more than anything.

00:48:37.534 --> 00:48:38.762
You know people.

00:48:38.762 --> 00:48:41.769
You'll hear people say like I could do it even if I didn't get paid.

00:48:41.769 --> 00:48:44.684
That kind of you know what is that one thing?

00:48:44.684 --> 00:48:46.409
So you start figuring out those things.

00:48:46.449 --> 00:48:54.666
So practically, if you're listening to our conversation today and you want to start some of this stuff on your own, I would say start journaling.

00:48:54.666 --> 00:48:56.510
What is it that you're really good at?

00:48:56.510 --> 00:48:57.193
What do you want to do?

00:48:57.193 --> 00:49:00.246
What is it that so excites your brain?

00:49:00.246 --> 00:49:03.353
You're like, boom, I, I could go build a business around this.

00:49:03.353 --> 00:49:07.168
Where is there already a market that's doing that?

00:49:07.168 --> 00:49:14.701
Because, like my gardening experience, I know there's some great people that totally dabble in the gardening space and build amazing businesses around that.

00:49:14.701 --> 00:49:15.943
I just it's just not my.

00:49:15.943 --> 00:49:17.447
I don't want to do that for somebody else.

00:49:17.447 --> 00:49:19.572
Um, but I don't know.

00:49:19.572 --> 00:49:20.541
Let's take another hobby.

00:49:20.541 --> 00:49:21.684
I'm gonna think of hobby.

00:49:21.684 --> 00:49:23.688
I'm sure somebody already has a businesses there.

00:49:23.688 --> 00:49:31.588
I saw a lady that has a really super profitable business around um uh patterns like for sewing, sewing patterns.

00:49:31.748 --> 00:49:33.373
There's a big industry for that.

00:49:33.914 --> 00:49:35.121
Wow, this is a thing.

00:49:35.121 --> 00:49:36.043
This is so cool.

00:49:36.043 --> 00:49:36.824
I didn't even know that.

00:49:36.824 --> 00:49:38.226
I didn't know you could make money on that.

00:49:38.226 --> 00:49:47.981
Um right, so so I take, I take the idea of all the things that I'm really good at I start journaling about well, what would I really want to do, what I like to do?

00:49:47.981 --> 00:49:51.431
Sometimes I take clients through what I call like the perfect day exercise.

00:49:51.451 --> 00:49:58.882
So, from like the time you get up to the time you go to sleep, just journal, just take like 15, 30 minutes and just write down everything.

00:49:58.882 --> 00:50:02.172
What would what would the most amazing life look like?

00:50:02.172 --> 00:50:12.371
The only rule for that exercise is you cannot edit yourself, even if it feels like unachievable at this point.

00:50:12.371 --> 00:50:18.681
And then you just kind of read through it and you see like where, where do you, where can you connect the dots of what you're already doing, what you're successful in and what you want to do?

00:50:18.681 --> 00:50:22.068
And you start figuring out what are the resources that can.

00:50:22.068 --> 00:50:23.972
That can take me to the next step.

00:50:24.012 --> 00:50:44.443
You start asking questions aware of until I did that exercise.

00:50:44.443 --> 00:50:47.771
So that's, it is fascinating and, yeah, you've driven some great points through that home, if you will.

00:50:47.771 --> 00:51:00.106
There was a few things that came up, but I'll let people discern for themselves, because I want to honor your time, anita, and I want to make sure that we give people some resources that can help them.

00:51:00.186 --> 00:51:04.322
But before I do, that takes me to a question of resources.

00:51:04.322 --> 00:51:07.248
So you've mentioned lists and goals and planning.

00:51:07.248 --> 00:51:08.349
What is your?

00:51:08.349 --> 00:51:16.733
I don't normally ask this question, but what is your favorite resource right now for keeping things in order?

00:51:16.733 --> 00:51:19.804
Lists and goals and all of those pieces?

00:51:21.827 --> 00:51:24.414
This is going to surprise probably somebody.

00:51:24.414 --> 00:51:29.331
I've tried a bunch of tools like on my phone.

00:51:29.331 --> 00:51:39.869
I've tried a bunch of tools like in the tech space, and actually one thing that I've come back to doing is writing everything down on paper.

00:51:40.170 --> 00:51:40.391

00:51:41.021 --> 00:51:43.351
There's something really powerful about me writing things out on paper.

00:51:43.351 --> 00:51:45.340
Yes, there's something really powerful about me writing things out on paper.

00:51:45.340 --> 00:51:49.208
So on my paper calendar that sits on my desk right now, in my journal.

00:51:49.208 --> 00:52:03.192
It's going to sound simple, but it's so powerful for me to actually write stuff down and I feel like I actually have a stronger connection and a stronger accountability when I write the stuff down.

00:52:03.780 --> 00:52:17.173
So, while I do have all the apps on my phone and on my computer, I actually I love all those things, and yet what I'm finding is that for me right now, I'm just very aware that they're causing me to be.

00:52:17.173 --> 00:52:32.351
I have a bunch of goals that I've set up for this year in particular, and when I use the electronic versions of the goal setting tasks, habits, trackers, all that kind of stuff I don't feel as connected to the goals and the achievements and that.

00:52:32.351 --> 00:52:49.686
So actually, I'm coming back to physically writing stuff down and, like I started to say, there's something very special that happens, this connection that we make in our brain when we write something out Physically writing yes, Yep, yeah, so that's yeah.

00:52:57.548 --> 00:53:05.302
I love that simple to threes when it comes to creating your priorities for the next day is what you were talking about.

00:53:05.302 --> 00:53:07.606
As you look at your reset.

00:53:07.606 --> 00:53:09.471
What did you call that?

00:53:09.471 --> 00:53:10.592
Your reset blueprint?

00:53:10.592 --> 00:53:18.005
At the end of the day, you're journaling and you're getting those three wins that you want to achieve tomorrow and I'll just share.

00:53:18.005 --> 00:53:24.684
I'm not an affiliate and that's fine with me, but I've been using the Full Focus Journal and the.

00:53:24.744 --> 00:53:36.887
Full Focus Planner, both by Michael Hyatt, for several years now, and that's what I really love is it keeps you focused on those three what are your big three priorities for the month, for the week and for the day?

00:53:36.887 --> 00:53:40.300
And it's a great way to refresh at the end of the day.

00:53:40.300 --> 00:53:47.780
Capture those and then I also journal to capture a bit more about any of that and I love those things.

00:53:47.780 --> 00:53:49.085
So that's a great resource.

00:53:49.085 --> 00:53:59.427
Writing is a great resource and that connection piece is yeah, there's science in there or psychology in there, that you know there's been a lot of research.

00:53:59.427 --> 00:54:05.931
I haven't read a lot of it, but I hear about it and I see articles occasionally where I'll delve in a little bit.

00:54:05.931 --> 00:54:06.552
I just don't.

00:54:06.552 --> 00:54:12.985
I'm not a big person in research.

00:54:13.005 --> 00:54:15.693
Like, I'm not going to spend all my time going through all the details of the research.

00:54:15.693 --> 00:54:16.677
I just like to know the highlights.

00:54:16.677 --> 00:54:18.764
So I remember, so I'll just add one last thing, to that I remember.

00:54:18.764 --> 00:54:23.541
So we, just if you don't know, we commonly know another gentleman named Ray.

00:54:23.601 --> 00:54:24.244

00:54:24.684 --> 00:54:29.641
I was sitting in an event with Ray one time and he's a copywriter like he's phenomenal.

00:54:29.641 --> 00:54:31.987
That's his secret sauce right there.

00:54:31.987 --> 00:54:32.969
He's so good at it.

00:54:32.969 --> 00:54:42.755
And he said to us at a mastermind probably last year do you know that until you write a thought down, the thought process is not completed?

00:54:42.755 --> 00:54:58.726
So you can think a thought in your mind, you can even say it to people, but until you actually start writing it down, that's what finishes the whole cycle of having a thought and doing something with it, so that like closes the entire loop in your brain.

00:54:58.726 --> 00:55:04.034
And I mean I have, like I got journals everywhere.

00:55:04.034 --> 00:55:08.686
One thing that I did that kind of makes me chuckle.

00:55:08.686 --> 00:55:14.126
I have, like my planner that I write, I write stuff down on my calendar, that I write stuff down.

00:55:14.126 --> 00:55:16.402
I have my whiteboard and the ball and all that kind of stuff.

00:55:16.402 --> 00:55:18.871
Sometimes I'll be like I know I wrote it down somewhere.

00:55:20.380 --> 00:55:28.481
The other thing that I do use that actually helps me because I get a lot of ideas when I'm driving or something like that is, I have recently started to use.

00:55:28.481 --> 00:55:32.492
I use a Pixel phone, but I know Apple products have the same thing.

00:55:32.492 --> 00:55:34.360
Is that just the voice recorder?

00:55:34.561 --> 00:55:37.668
So I'll just shout out like hey, google, can you take a note for me?

00:55:37.668 --> 00:55:50.442
And that helps too, because sometimes when we're away from the stuff, away from like the life, away from your desk, away from pen and pencil, we get a lot of great ideas that we want to be able to capture.

00:55:50.442 --> 00:55:59.864
So I've recently, at the advice of somebody, someone else that we know, diana Gladney I was like wait a minute, you know what?

00:55:59.864 --> 00:56:00.724
That's a great idea.

00:56:00.724 --> 00:56:01.885
I should do that as well.

00:56:01.885 --> 00:56:10.737
So I have these pockets that I love to collect ideas and help solidify stuff so that I can take that next step.

00:56:10.737 --> 00:56:13.628
And then I realized like, oh, I just wrote down 100 things.

00:56:13.628 --> 00:56:14.952
Okay, wait a minute.

00:56:15.420 --> 00:56:20.045
That's probably my biggest struggle is, I have all these ideas and I'm like wait a minute.

00:56:20.045 --> 00:56:23.208
Three, you want me to just execute on three for the day.

00:56:23.208 --> 00:56:25.085
Like I can't possibly do that.

00:56:25.085 --> 00:56:25.969
I love doing more.

00:56:25.969 --> 00:56:29.126
So that helps me get focused.

00:56:29.126 --> 00:56:33.268
Definitely, when I, when you, just do no more than three, then it's achievable.

00:56:33.268 --> 00:56:43.889
That's the, that's the premise of the gap and the gain idea is that if I write down more than three things, then I'm going to overwhelm myself.

00:56:43.889 --> 00:56:50.795
And do you know, like, as working moms and wives and I know dads like I.

00:56:50.795 --> 00:56:58.871
Just I feel like as men and women in 2024, we have so many things going on all the time.

00:56:58.871 --> 00:57:00.893
We can get so easily overwhelmed.

00:57:00.893 --> 00:57:05.106
If I try to make my list and it's like 20 things or a hundred things or something like that.

00:57:05.266 --> 00:57:13.262
And so really the idea is how do we whittle down so that we can actually achieve something over and over, and, over and over and create that habit?

00:57:14.403 --> 00:57:15.326
I absolutely agree.

00:57:15.326 --> 00:57:16.047
So I, I.

00:57:16.047 --> 00:57:28.811
There are other things that show up on my list, but I try, I everything I do throughout my days I try to remain focused on the top three priorities, and that that's where the full focus helps me maintain.

00:57:28.811 --> 00:57:30.702
Focus is here's the big three.

00:57:30.702 --> 00:57:40.213
If I do none of this other stuff, that's fine, but if I can do pieces of these big three, then you know I'm working towards ideally, I'm working towards my goals.

00:57:40.213 --> 00:57:41.722
That's how it's structured.

00:57:41.722 --> 00:57:43.204
So, no, that's wonderful.

00:57:43.204 --> 00:57:48.802
Now, um, it wasn't in your bio, but you also have a podcast, so I'm just going to go to.

00:57:48.802 --> 00:57:52.130
Where can people find out more about the work you're doing?

00:57:52.130 --> 00:57:53.393
What are the resources?

00:57:54.079 --> 00:57:54.581
Yeah, you bet.

00:57:54.581 --> 00:58:04.112
So I have a podcast that's called the messy middle one mom's journey to build a profitable business, and we just talk about kind of some of the same things that Dan and I are talking about.

00:58:04.112 --> 00:58:06.889
I feel like the life happens not.

00:58:06.889 --> 00:58:11.099
For me, the most adventurous part of life doesn't happen at the surface.

00:58:11.099 --> 00:58:14.168
It happens kind of like in the muck of the mire, what I call the messy middle.

00:58:14.168 --> 00:58:24.983
It's that journey, so being able to document the journey of building businesses, and then I also have a six-step blueprint journey of building businesses and then I also have a six step blueprint.

00:58:24.983 --> 00:58:35.233
I authored a book that got published last year that walks through some of the framework that I use and we'll make sure and put a note in the in the show notes and you can just you can find me, Anita Anello.

00:58:35.393 --> 00:58:38.467
You can find me at AnitaAnellocom or all over social.

00:58:38.467 --> 00:58:41.871
I'm on all the different platforms and if you want to engage, please reach out.

00:58:41.871 --> 00:58:42.266
I love meeting new people and talking to new people all over social.

00:58:42.266 --> 00:58:43.143
I'm on all the different platforms and if you want to engage, please reach out.

00:58:43.143 --> 00:58:46.130
I love meeting new people and talking to new people all the time.

00:58:46.820 --> 00:58:56.186
And you can always find those links in the guest profile that I will have attached to this podcast at podcastdanwus.

00:58:56.186 --> 00:59:01.333
All of those social links and everything will be right there in one nice, easy place to find.

00:59:01.333 --> 00:59:07.427
So, anita, so I want to give credit to Ray Edwards.

00:59:07.427 --> 00:59:08.710
You mentioned him.

00:59:08.710 --> 00:59:24.353
Yes, we're both in, have been in our in community with Ray, and he's not just a copywriter, but what a great inspiration to people that he connects with in general, but definitely to entrepreneurs in the online space.

00:59:24.880 --> 00:59:34.329
You know, anybody that wants to learn how to improve website copy or marketing and sales copy should certainly check out some of the work that he's got going on.

00:59:34.329 --> 00:59:43.313
And then, if you want to know practically anything to do with video as an online entrepreneur, diana Gladney is your resource.

00:59:43.313 --> 00:59:44.353
Now, I don't know her.

00:59:44.353 --> 00:59:53.405
I'm not personally in a relationship with her directly, but indirectly, through Ray and some other community members.

00:59:53.405 --> 00:59:57.581
I have been a part and a participant of some of her work and man.

00:59:57.581 --> 01:00:00.389
Her YouTube channel has just.

01:00:00.389 --> 01:00:09.670
You can spend weeks going through those resources, but she's got something for everybody all kinds of camera setups and man.

01:00:09.670 --> 01:00:13.849
A wealth of information on how to do video better.

01:00:13.849 --> 01:00:16.708
So I'm glad you mentioned those two.

01:00:16.708 --> 01:00:20.590
Anita, thank you so much for sharing your time with me today.

01:00:20.590 --> 01:00:28.891
It's been a pleasure to host you on the podcast and I look forward to continuing our conversations throughout this journey.

01:00:29.612 --> 01:00:30.420
You bet, Dan.

01:00:30.420 --> 01:00:31.746
I just want to say one last thing.

01:00:31.746 --> 01:00:34.469
I just want to honor you and what you're doing.

01:00:34.469 --> 01:00:44.172
I thank you so much for the way that you show up every day to serve so faithfully, to be able to walk this journey out and share in a real public way.

01:00:44.172 --> 01:01:02.009
Just the journey that you're walking on as an entrepreneur, as a coach, as a friend, like what you do matters, and I just thank you from the bottom of my heart to be able to be a part of it and I just, I just want to really acknowledge you in front of your audience of what great work you do and what an opportunity.

01:01:02.009 --> 01:01:05.186
If you have an opportunity to go work with Dan, go ahead and take it.

01:01:05.186 --> 01:01:08.472
He's amazing, so great job.

01:01:08.980 --> 01:01:14.842
Well, I really appreciate those heartfelt words and, again, I look forward to our conversations in the future.

01:01:14.842 --> 01:01:18.250
So with that we'll wrap up this episode.

01:01:18.250 --> 01:01:19.273
I hope you enjoyed it.

01:01:19.273 --> 01:01:35.561
If you did enjoy it or you think someone else in your life would find value in this conversation, you know someone that might be in that space considering transition from the corporate world into coaching or consulting make sure that you share this with them.

01:01:35.561 --> 01:01:42.527
But if you'll hit that follow or like or subscribe button, whatever it may be, I would definitely appreciate it.

01:01:42.527 --> 01:01:46.125
Until next time, I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

01:01:47.507 --> 01:01:48.068
Sounds good.

Anita Anello Profile Photo

Anita Anello


Anita Anello helps corporate women of faith in the tech industry who want to break free of corporate life and develop a consulting business by providing spiritual guidance and support as they transition in a new phase of their career. She offers practical advice and resources to help them establish and grow their consulting business, such as tips for building a client base, setting rates, and finding a healthy work-life balance as they work towards their goal of working 20 hours a week while making 2-3 times their previous income.