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Oct. 16, 2024

Transformative Journeys and Meaningful Bonds - An introduction to Deep Dive Dialogues

Transformative Journeys and Meaningful Bonds - An introduction to Deep Dive Dialogues

Have you ever wondered if there's more to running a business than just profit margins? I invite you to explore the fascinating journey from military discipline to entrepreneurial freedom. In the very first episode of Deep Dive Dialogues, I share my transformation from a structured Army background into the flexible, dynamic world of online business. By embracing the struggles of creative writing and blending them with my coaching experience, I've discovered the secret sauce to building meaningful connections and fostering community growth. You'll hear about my journey to becoming a certified StoryBrand guide, the pivotal moments of unexpected personal growth, and how these experiences shape my commitment to engaging with you through every available medium.

Discover why stepping away from a successful marketing agency wasn't a loss but a leap towards something profoundly fulfilling. This episode uncovers my transition from agency work to strategic coaching, drawing upon problem-solving skills honed in the military. Alongside insights from influential figures like Michael Hyatt and Dave Ramsey, and participation in communities such as 48 Days, I explore how these connections fuel my passion for guiding others. Whether you're a coach, consultant, or creator looking to expand your online presence, I offer you the lessons learned from my journey, hoping to inspire yours.

Get in touch and answer the question: What is THE Single Biggest frustration you have with building your online business?

Email me:

Connect on Facebook or Instagram:


Thank you for listening!

I'd love to invite you to share any feedback or insights with me dan@danw.us

To your success!



00:00 - Introduction to Deep Dive Dialogues

11:51 - From Certifications to Coaching



00:00:00.820 --> 00:00:04.892
Welcome to Deep Dive Dialogues with yours truly, dan Warheide.

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I'm your host and this is your intro episode to the show.

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This is a new show, the third of which I've created, and I really just wanted to give you an idea of what you can expect here and a bit about who I am.

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Before I get to that, I want to start with who this show might be for.

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If you're a coach, a consultant or another creator and you want to build an online business maybe you've started to build your online business and you're looking to build community, connect and continue to grow with other like-minded people, then ideally, this podcast is for you, or may be for you.

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This is the third podcast that I've created, like I said, in the coaching and or entrepreneurial space.

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I've shared some of my thoughts, ideas, and most of that was via interview format previously, so I wanted to challenge myself to create more solo content, and there's a reason behind it.

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The intent and premise behind creating this show really is that I found I had been challenged for some time, almost as far back as I can remember, you know, junior high school and high school.

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Creative writing was never my forte, in fact, when creative writing was brought up without given a specific list of topics to choose from.

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I found myself immediately telling myself this is hard, and so, working on changing my mindset around creative writing being hard, one of the avenues I wanted to explore was creating podcast content that I could enjoy as a way of expression and a way to unlock that creative writing, so to speak.

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Right, avoid the whole blank page syndrome.

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And, by the way, if you know what it's called when you're creating a podcast and you run into a blank page syndrome coming up with things to speak about versus things to write about I imagine that your answer might be that they really are cross-pollinated, meaning you write as a guide for your show and in this case, I have written out a basic outline and some details for this introduction, but that's the premise behind the show and sort of what I wanted to achieve by creating a solo podcast.

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There may be some interviewing with guests from various backgrounds, but my goal really is to share my experiences, areas of expertise and address many of the challenges that I and others I'm in community with has faced when it comes to building an online business as a coach and or consultant or creator.

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So let me clarify what I mean by an online business before I go any further.

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For me, I mean online business is anyone who wants to have the flexibility to work remotely, essentially being location independent and working on becoming, or already is, full time self employed.

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Now, I know that there's plenty of variations, as I'm sure you're aware, so hopefully that's a distinction for you, as it was for me.

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Now, who am I?

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If you don't know me or we haven't yet to connect, haven't yet connected, whichever way you'd prefer to say that?

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English is not.

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It is my first language, but it is not my area of expertise, so bear with me.

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But if we've not yet connected, I'd love to first invite you to connect with me.

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You can reach me on social media.

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I will post the links to my Facebook and my Instagram pages.

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I don't spend as much time on LinkedIn currently, but I certainly have LinkedIn on my future progression of where I want to start engaging again.

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It's just not a priority for me at the moment.

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So feel free to reach out to me on any platform.

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I'll post all three links Facebook, linkedin and Instagram but Facebook if you want to connect with me personally and just chat or see some of the things that I share with family and friends and probably this podcast, as well as others.

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I'm participating in, things I've been interviewed on, etc.

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You can find it all there.

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I love to connect with you.

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I'll also invite you to send me an email.

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I'll post that, but it's really simple.

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It's dan at danwus.

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So if you want to connect with me and that's the easiest for you feel free to shoot me a note and tell me one.

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I'd love to hear from you what inspired you to connect with me.

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So I'm an Army veteran.

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I retired in 2018.

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Unfortunately, I did medically retire after only 16 and a half years, because if you look at the timelines, you'll see I didn't quite do the 20.

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It was all honorable and I am retired, but I had a back injury that led me to leaving my career earlier than I actually anticipated.

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I was initially planning to do the full 20 years.

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I raised two amazing daughters.

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They're beautiful young women.

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I also helped to raise three nieces who lived with us.

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We had custody of them for several years, and so I grew up not grew up.

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I grew up with two brothers, so it was a house full of boys, and I had quite the opposite experience as an adult raising children.

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So you might imagine.

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There are some lessons learned just in that in and of itself.

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So I've been coaching and mentoring and training in some capacity for several decades Gosh, it's tough to say that really.

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But yeah, several decades, because even prior to my military career and throughout my working life, I was in the position to coach, mentor and or train people in some way, shape or form, which you know I mean really means I have a wealth of eclectic experiences.

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Eclectic experiences and they often lend themselves to being able to look into many different situations and challenges from maybe a more educated viewpoint.

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Maybe not, but I do believe that I am able to hear a situation, sit down with someone and talk about a situation and have a very good basic conceptual understanding of the situation and the challenges that they've explained to me, and I think that really does lend itself well.

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It has lended itself well to my coaching business.

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But I received my first coaching actual certification, if you will, in 2010.

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I received that from Ramsey Solutions.

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I was a master financial coach it's not what they called it in 2010, but, believe it or not, I actually went back a second time circa 2016 and recertified because they had changed the format somewhat.

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I wanted to know more about what that format was.

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And really, at this point you know I was facing, you know, the realization that my career may end early in the military and I knew I didn't want to go back into the military intelligence community after service and working in a government or contract position and I was really enjoying, up to this point, the people whom I worked with in a coaching capacity where they were actually paying me money in exchange for the results that they were wanting to and achieving.

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So that led me to wanting to focus more time, energy and resources towards building a side business that I could then amp up, ramp up, continue to build upon after I transitioned from the military.

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That was sort of becoming my future plan.

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I went back and attended a second time.

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Feel free to ask me about that if you want to connect with me and ask.

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I'm happy to share those experiences.

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It certainly started building a foundation for a coaching business and coaching practice.

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So, anyway, that sent me on a path of pursuing more coaching education as I started to build that side business and enjoying the experience of serving the needs of people and wanting to better learn how to serve them At the same time.

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In that time frame.

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It was people who wanted to learn to better manage their money, or maybe they had some other goals they were looking to achieve, and being able to speak into their lives and receive money in exchange for helping them achieve those results was really appealing to me.

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I won't lie, I love the idea of building a business and making a profit.

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I also really love connecting with people and serving them at the highest level, but I also have to eat right.

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So at that time I discovered I had no idea about marketing.

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That's what I really learned throughout that process and several years working as a financial coach.

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I learned a lot of lessons.

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I made a lot of mistakes that I, of course, have been able to learn from, and it was fascinating.

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But I was introduced at that time to StoryBrand because Ramsey Solutions was, you know, in community and cahoots with Donald Miller at the time as he was building StoryBrand.

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This was pre-building a StoryBrand book and I really enjoyed that experience, the way they approached, the way Donald Miller approaches you know, communicating your message to others, and really it's about who they are and the journey that they're on.

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So that resonated with me thoroughly and really.

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Let me just pause here and just say you know, this is not where the podcast is going to go over the next episodes.

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This is really just a brief introduction of who I am and some of my experiences that lend themselves to what I will be sharing with you coming up.

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So yeah, it was around that time I was introduced to StoryBrand.

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You know, if you're not familiar, donald Miller Building a Story Brand was the initial book that had come out and it had been presented to our community of financial coaches to help us really learn to better market our services.

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So, if you haven't guessed it, I have a passion for learning, for problem solving, for tackling new challenges, and a strong inclination for many things technical, and I was set on finding out everything I could about this framework we'd just been introduced to.

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So in the process of doing my homework, I stumbled upon some notes about a StoryBrand certified guide program and I of course had to explore what is this and for many reasons that really resonated with me.

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I could learn, not just to solve the own challenges I was experiencing around marketing and better understand those concepts, but I could potentially then also offer to help others better understand that process and apply the framework to their business.

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So, as a coach, at this point this was the next level in my mind.

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I applied for that program and was initially pretty hesitant because it came with a fairly hefty fee.

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But then Donald Miller called me personally and I remember sitting on my front porch enjoying the afternoon.

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When that call came in I stood up out of my chair because I really never expected the CEO and the creator of this brand that I'm really enjoying to call me to discuss my application and some of the surrounding events that took place.

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Or you know why did I apply and what was I hoping to obtain?

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And he took the time to tell me that he doesn't call every applicant but usually a couple of times a week he'd roll through the list and pick one or two or three, then reach out to them just to get a feel for what the market is saying and what's resonating with people.

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So you know that research part of marketing really stood out.

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But that call really sealed the deal for me and I went to Nashville and became a certified story brand guide and I won't bore you with any more of those details.

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But that wasn't the end-all be-all that some people may think it is right.

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I certainly didn't believe that that would be the case, but it was very intriguing and it seemed like an exciting opportunity and for the most part, it really was.

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For me although I'll share with you in a minute it was a bit different, so I learned a ton throughout that process.

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One thing stood out I was not in the business of running or wanting to run a marketing or advertising agency.

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I didn't want to be a designer.

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I am not great, certainly not gifted in digital design and or graphics.

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So much of the marketing process, as you might imagine, involves creating those things visuals that look appealing and can then apply the messaging that you've worked to create to the company's messaging and the stories that they're telling through their websites, et cetera.

00:13:47.303 --> 00:14:29.544
So I've shifted gears a little bit and because I had a good grasp of the technical tools and resources at this point and my strong inclination for problem solving and project management thanks to my career in the military, I quickly figured out that many of the people who are gifted in that side of the arts world get physically ill when it comes to the technology and putting all the pieces together and making all the things connect and go, making the emails trigger when they're supposed to and connecting that to your website or to some other service, and I really loved being able to do that.

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So for the next few years I managed to earn a wonderful income and build an online business providing technical and project support to those same small agency owners that I had been in community with.

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Most of them were story brand guides that I had full knowledge of their practice and the principles that they worked with.

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I was able to help them with, you know, applying some of the frameworks and even challenging, when you know, there was a question that came up, and I was able to do a lot of that with them and I really enjoyed that work for the most part, but I didn't love it.

00:15:06.876 --> 00:15:10.922
So I would only add that you know that community was.

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I wouldn't say it was really easy to plug into, but because I had been a part of it, I had built some relationships over time that made it easier to start approaching this particular service to the guides, and then I was able to share that with others.

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But really, what I found in that community is so many of the guides really have a strong bond around similar values and service to other people, so we ended up managing to get along quite well.

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Anyway, I continued to explore the world of coaching because what I also found in this time was that, while I was really good at the technical side of this work and what I was doing, I enjoyed most of what we created together.

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I didn't love it, like I said, I really loved.

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What I found I really loved was the opportunity to speak into their lives, to speak into the lives of the people I was working for, working with the people I was working for working with, and a lot of times that revolved around strategy and growth for their business or around challenges that they were facing in their business and, you know, brainstorming with them ideas sort of a mastermind type of experience, if you will, and if you've never been exposed to a mastermind, participated in or been part of leading a mastermind we'll discuss that in a future episode but being able to speak into their lives is what really resonated with me.

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At this time I joined a couple other like-minded people is extremely valuable for your own growth personally and professionally.

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So I joined a community called 48 Days.

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It was a community built by Dan Miller, author of 48 Days to the Work and Life you Love.

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There's definitely a theme there 48 Days and if you do some homework you'll see it's even more than just a book in a community.

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There's a lot more to it actually.

00:17:14.259 --> 00:17:24.502
He passed earlier this year due to some unfortunate or unforeseen circumstances, but he passed earlier this year at the time of this recording.

00:17:24.502 --> 00:17:31.963
But Dan was a profound leader, an amazing coach, and the community he built there was like home to me.

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I loved learning and consuming everything I could.

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I also enjoyed being able I was invited to lead small group sessions in that community, and so that experience of leading others in their journey was absolutely rewarding as well.

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When they offered the coaching certification to me through that community, that was an easy yes.

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So that's when I got my next coaching certification.

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If you will, is the 48 Days Certified Coach, and it's funny, when you think about it, how small the world is.

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Right, I met Dan Miller as a result of spending time in Donald Miller's community and I was introduced to Donald Miller through Dave Ramsey's community and the more you start listening and consuming content from anybody you listen to really you know any leaders you follow you'll start to hear references of other people in their community and you start building those connections.

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You start listening to the work of others.

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So you know, through that community is people like Michael Hyatt and Cliff Ravenscraft, donald Miller, dan Miller, dave Ramsey and others like Ray Edwards, whose community I also took part in.

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Ray's book was provided to us as part of the StoryBrand certification process.

00:18:51.993 --> 00:19:03.433
The book is how to Write Copy that Sells and that book is gold if you want to learn to write better copy to create good sales copy.

00:19:03.433 --> 00:19:10.912
I would definitely recommend that book and checking out some of Ray's work, his podcast and some of the other things that he has out online.

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He does different courses, he does a certification for copywriters and anyway that it.

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So I I found myself starting to also consume everything I could from him and then I was introduced through him and several other people I followed at that time to a mastermind community and when Ray figured he introduced his seven figure mastermind and invited me to apply, I knew at that point it was time to upgrade my peer group and continue to upgrade my investment in my own growth.

00:19:49.147 --> 00:19:49.789
I can't speak.

00:19:49.789 --> 00:19:50.852
I'm on a podcast.

00:19:50.852 --> 00:19:51.673
I should be able to speak.

00:19:51.673 --> 00:19:57.593
So that's where things really took a turn and I really started to focus on coaching.

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Again, I'm going to spare you all the details.

00:20:00.301 --> 00:20:08.111
I probably have said way too much for an introduction episode at this point, but it's my podcast, so thanks for bearing with me.

00:20:08.111 --> 00:20:13.376
I'm hoping you're still here and you might be learning something about who I am.

00:20:42.039 --> 00:21:05.194
No-transcript out how to spend more time doing the work I didn't absolutely love so I could spend more time helping others achieve their goals in their businesses and potentially lead to long-term clients in the future Basically, spending time building something I didn't absolutely love so that I could spend more time serving others, which I absolutely loved.

00:21:05.194 --> 00:21:19.348
And many of those people I connected with that I enjoyed serving thoroughly and was trying to figure out how to spend more time in community with, from that perspective, were in Dan Miller's community, so you see those tie-ins back there again.

00:21:19.348 --> 00:21:21.326
There's a reason I introduced that.

00:21:21.326 --> 00:21:29.490
You know community is intriguing and it's a small world, but maybe you noticed this right away when I said it.

00:21:29.490 --> 00:21:30.571
I didn't.

00:21:30.571 --> 00:21:32.121
Ray stopped there.

00:21:32.121 --> 00:21:35.348
He told me Dan, why are you doing this to yourself?

00:21:35.348 --> 00:21:44.602
Why aren't you building a coaching business and getting paid to do what you're already doing and what you've just said you most love to do?

00:21:44.602 --> 00:21:48.107
You can be paid to be a coach.

00:21:48.107 --> 00:21:50.792
You can get paid to coach people.

00:21:50.792 --> 00:21:56.229
You can get paid to do the things you're already doing and not getting paid for.

00:21:56.229 --> 00:22:01.507
So I'm not certain about you, but that was jarring and an impactful experience.

00:22:01.507 --> 00:22:03.771
I'll add to that, though.

00:22:03.952 --> 00:22:18.324
In the mastermind, ray often reserved his thoughts or suggestions until after others in the mastermind had the opportunity to contribute, but in this moment, he jumped in and said I have something to say.

00:22:18.324 --> 00:22:30.819
So that moment changed my entire view on the business model I was building and kind of what I wanted to do or what I would be doing next, and my entire mindset around coaching, really.

00:22:30.819 --> 00:22:40.163
So at that point, I also recognized this whole golden handcuffs phenomenon right, that had transpired in my world.

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I didn't see it before, but that moment allowed me to see that I definitely had the golden handcuffs.

00:22:46.786 --> 00:22:54.953
I was making great money I liked, I really enjoyed what I was doing, but I didn't absolutely love it, so that was eyeopening.

00:22:54.953 --> 00:22:59.965
So since that moment, I've gained a wealth of experience in the world of online business.

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You know beyond anything that I'd already learned and I continued, you know, over the past several years, the past gosh wow, I won't even go there.

00:23:11.314 --> 00:23:27.375
I continue to build on those experiences and continue to enhance my knowledge and pursue my passions for learning everything I can about the world of coaching, the world of online business, continue to follow many of those great mentors that I've looked up to for so long.

00:23:28.540 --> 00:23:34.443
I've experienced many challenges and some life events that led me to putting a pause on my work for a while.

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I paused a podcast, my first podcast.

00:23:37.410 --> 00:23:47.002
I actually stopped because of these life events, and the second one just wasn't quite where I felt I wanted to be with a podcast.

00:23:47.002 --> 00:23:54.308
So that's the reason for stopping the second one, and I've shared with you already the reason I'm here with this third podcast.

00:23:54.308 --> 00:23:56.253
So it wasn't.

00:23:56.253 --> 00:24:08.913
You know, I wasn't happy that timeframe with me where I was or what was happening around me in the world, and I recognized that I needed to do some work on me in order to be able to do more of the work that I loved.

00:24:08.913 --> 00:24:25.242
So I took a sales role at that time that both challenged me to refine my sales skills and relationship building skills, as well as provide the income that I needed so that I could hit reset on the things that I really wanted to be doing.

00:24:25.242 --> 00:24:28.796
So fast forward to now I'm here with you on this podcast.

00:24:28.856 --> 00:24:55.951
I'm still enjoying my sales role, a role that when I started, I had given myself 60 days to test whether I had what it takes, because in a hundred percent commission sales role I'd never realized well, there's a realization here, but at the time I had never really thought that I'd been in a position like that and I really didn't know if I had what it takes to be successful in that role.

00:24:55.951 --> 00:25:25.287
Turns out I've been very successful in that role and I enjoy the things that I've learned as a result of just that acknowledgement, right, but while I'm you know so I'm I'm rebuilding my coaching business and I'm still playing a role in the sales community and the parallels between that role and self-employment have been really good recognition for my own growth, because when you work for yourself, aren't you really a hundred percent commission-based.

00:25:25.287 --> 00:25:39.030
So that allowed me to sort of overstep, overpower some money and mindset beliefs that I had around business and around money in general.

00:25:39.030 --> 00:25:46.673
So you know there's some other lessons learned in there and I hope to get to talk about them over the next future episodes.

00:25:46.673 --> 00:25:48.035
We'll just call them future episodes.

00:25:48.035 --> 00:25:55.788
I don't know what to call them, but as we continue to explore this world of building an online business, I hope that's some of the things that I'll be able to share with you.

00:25:56.549 --> 00:26:05.962
I hope that you will join me in this journey and I would love to leave you with one simple question I'd love to hear from you Again.

00:26:05.962 --> 00:26:08.288
You can email me, connect with me on social media.

00:26:08.288 --> 00:26:10.141
I'll share those links in the show notes.

00:26:10.141 --> 00:26:19.944
I would love to hear your answers to this question and maybe I'll share that, or maybe I'll have you on for a discussion in future episodes.

00:26:19.944 --> 00:26:30.080
I don't know where that's going to go, but we'll start with the question of what is the single greatest frustration you have with building your online business.

00:26:30.080 --> 00:26:42.343
Whether you're a coach, consultant or a creator of other sorts and you want to build an online business, what is your single greatest frustration that you've experienced with building your online business?

00:26:42.343 --> 00:26:54.773
I'll be sure to post those links so you can get in touch with me in the show notes and wherever you've listened, please be sure to check there so you can send me those answers.

00:26:54.773 --> 00:26:57.909
And until next time, make it a great day.