My entire life has been defined by living into other people’s definition of success.
Going into university I had no idea what I wanted to study or do for work which led to changing my major nine times and going to three different schools.
After graduating, I took the first job I could find regardless of what it was. Between graduation and when I turned 30, I held six different jobs and moved six different times. I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was all in an effort to find myself.
Each change brought new adventures but often times I was faced with more uncertainty and stress. The thing which stayed consistent throughout all of this, though, was my ability to connect with people, listen to them, relate to them, and ultimately coach and mentor them.
Everything changed for me when I started looking deep within. I hired my first coach and began the work of identifying my true passion. I came to the realization coaching was my true passion and calling. I have since been making small change after small change to get me where I am today.